Doomed? (57)

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-04 21:33 ID:Heaven


Perhaps I'm wrong, but

>I base my values on personal observations, not some shit I've been fed with by others without asking why I should eat it. This is what I think; people who percieve functions as having anything to do with value or equality have a very sick view of humanity, and are part of what is wrong about this world.

seems very indicative of a traditional, fundamentalist Christian idea of men & women's "Equal rights through different roles", that actually subjugate women. This was also my point above.

If a woman chooses to relinquish her rights, she chooses to do so, that's within her rights. (And we All relinquish our rights for certain things.)

You cannot, however, say that men and woman have equal rights if the woman is forced to be subordinate.

And for the record, it's hilarious that you characterize others as not having thought through things. I was formerly to be a minister and have thought all views such as these through philosophically to reach my conclusions.

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