Doomed? (57)

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-06 03:13 ID:Wzu6X3Tb


> If it does, it's because fundamental christian values still have roots in natural human behaviour.

L-O-L You Wish.

>I'd rather be safe than sorry and make sure the woman I get with is ok with subordinating herself already from the start, so we don't have to endure a hefty surplus of retarded spats over ultimately useless shit throughout our married life. Ok?

Ultimately useless shit like Her: "No, honey, you're wrong." You: "STFU Bitch! God Says gb2/kitchen/!"

>Can I retain that right without being percieved as a machiavellistic pig?

As the above example illustrates; clearly not.

>>36 That can't be that rare. I fit some of that (I'm not an artist of any sort, you could call me a pussy sometimes, I've never traveled, it depends on what is to be read, and I'm a virgin), and thus there must be others who fit the full bill.

Try hanging out at coffee shops and going to philosophical events in your community. No, seriously. I'm sure there must be some group of people that fit about that description.

Furthermore, I recommend Facebook & searching by "Interests -> art" or "philosophy" or "traveling" or something along the lines of what you're looking for.

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