Doomed? (57)

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-06 06:56 ID:ygwEAkwT


> Artistic, while opinionated about art and hates what modern art has come to.

I used to take a painting class in middle school, but that's way in the past. Nowadays, I rarely do much with art, but when I do, non-artistic types still think I'm a great artist. I don't understand modern abstract art, does that count? I don't like to judge things, so I don't really "hate" modern art, but I don't really appreciate it, either.

> Loves to ponder the big issues in life.


> Aims to use his life to make the world a better place.

Oh yes.

> Passionate.

Bit too much sometimes.

> Isn't afraid to speak his mind, enjoys intelligent debate.

That'd be a semicolon, not a comma. Also, yes.

> Is at least decent to look at, prefferably has nice hair.

Meh. I've heard that I'm "above average" from practically everyone; I've heard no one say worse, and a few people say better, but I think they were lying.

> Likes music, but isn't the type that obsesses with it too much.

Ehhh, I suppose I like music, but not enough to listen to it much (on the upside, I get moral high-ground for never pirating it).

> Has a good sense of humour, idealy, shares my sarcastic one.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

> Is not christian.


> Has well thought out moral values, and sticks to them like glue.

I try to, and I think I succeed. Others might be better at judging that, though.

> Is very open minded.

Oh yes.

> Romantic.

Bit too much.

> Not a pussy.

...maybe I am sometimes, but hardly all the time. I don't know; that's not a very specific adjective.

> Likes to travel.

I suppose I do.

> Likes to read.

Oh yes.

> Is good in bed.

Never tried it, assuming you mean what I think you mean.

> Has dignity.

When necessary.

> Would not want to have children until he was in a position to be an excellent parent.


> Does not lie.

Is anyone like this? I try not to lie, although I will adjust the truth, and sometimes lie a bit to reduce hurt feelings, and probably in similar circumstances.

> Or cheat.

Cheat on a significant other? 'Course not. Cheat on a test or quiz? Nope. I get the feeling you're asking about a different kind of cheating, though.

I don't know, for all these lists, I usually find either myself or one of my friends fulfilling most of the requirements. People are all like "this is my dream person" and then list things practically anyone who isn't a jerk is.

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