Weird girl with hardcore crush (276)

Weird girl with hardcore crush (136)

1 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-28 17:43 ID:Q23XBwtf

Hi 4-ch, I'm new to these boards. I've been looking for an anonymous text forum like this... I recently read all of Densha Otoko and it gave me hope in finding the right person - as I'm sure it did for many of you! (Yes, I feel like a DORK admitting this, but that story really touched me.)

Ah, I am really hopeless.

My specs?
I am female, Asian, 22, and a V I R G I N. I could stand to lose some weight, but I'm proportionate, and I have...ahem, "assets." Height: 5'2"
Weight: 130lb
Measurements last time I measured: 40-29-30 (i think...)
Style: alternative (like Hong Kong street fashion nerd)

My last boyfriend was in highschool, for a total of two months. The most we ever did was kiss.

Since him I have been primarily interested in girls. But I have never had sex with them, either. I'm too ashamed of my body to get naked in front of another person...and the last girl I liked and who liked me back was two years ago...The most we ever did was kiss and a little groping.

Um. I'm really weird, too. I have had sexual experiences but they're not the normal kind.

I was molested when I was 12, so I'm really afraid of sex with men. No rape, just touching and forced kissing. This isn't a troll post, even though what I say will sound really strange and fetishy, like out of a hentai or something.

I also kind of like domination as a result, because it fucked me up. I hate loli (it makes me want to cry when it's with a guy), but I LOVE shota, because it allows me to fantasize without being too personal to me. (And I like fem/loli)

OTL Sorry, sorry. This is the Romance board, I know.

I guess my point is that I'm a strange-type girl who has a lot of fetishes and a fear of men. I have straight guy friends, but I'm always the one that they think is weird but fun and would never date me. My problem with women is that I like a certain type, and somehow they are never attracted to me. (At least, I don't think...??) I tend to go for girls who are out of my league.

Really, I don't know where to meet people. I have accounts on dating sites but they never go anywhere. Even that isn't good enough for me, though, because I dream of the kind of old school romance where you meet somebody and fall for them...

As a fluke, I met a boy recently, and I like him so much I don't know what to do with myself. I usually never go for boys because the thought of sex with them terrifies/even disgusts me, but he's so my Ideal Type that it's stupid for me not to want him.

He's really out of my league, though. He's really GORGEOUS (blonde, grey eyes, perfect body), he's SMART, and he's funny. I feel like I'm so infatuated with him...ahhh....I'm hopeless. He looks like the kind of boy who could have anybody he wants.

I told him, "I'm weird..."
And he says, "but that makes it interesting..."

Examples of weirdness: I'm really into horror, eroguro, shota, yaoi, hardcore gay porn, strange fetish porn (for lulz), tentacles, and dickgirls, etc.... basically, almost anything except watersports and scat. And I'm into psychology, so I love discussing porn as discourse.


I'm so afraid when I tell him how really weird I am he won't like me at all! I made him laugh a couple of times, so he'll want to be my friend, but considering how much I like him that would be M O A R P A I N F U L

(I once confessed love to my male best friend and he said, "I'm sorry, I can't think of you that way." Because we are best friends. But then he got into a relationship with my OTHER best friend, because she asked him to fuck her. They started fucking and he developed feelings for her, and they are still together now, 3 years later.)

aahhh I lost track of where I was going with this post. I'm really sorry.

tl;dr I'm a fetishy Asian girl with a hardcore crush on a really beautiful boy who is TOTALLY out of my league. I'm scared of sex with him and I don't know how to make boys like me. I'm an old-school romantic and I know this is hopeless.


2 Name: Tentacie : 2008-04-28 19:03 ID:ILlkBrW1

You're not much worse off than most of the people on 4-ch, really. You mentioned that you're on a few dating sites, but here's a few more to try:

OkCupid, JustSayHi, PlentyofFish, Mogenic (to find women), and Anonidate. Anonidate would probably be your best bet.

You're basically the dream girl for most guys/girls on this board, and I personally am sighing and shaking my head at your lack of self-confidence. Your fetishes and interests aren't anything weird to us, and even I share most of them.

I can say from experience that it is much more difficult for a her. It's a hundred times easier to find a man who accepts you. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but just that it's unlikely.

It's an odd question, but have you watched Maria-sama ga Miteru? The show has a "soeur" system, in which an older girl takes a younger girl under her wing and treats her as a sister, usually resulting in a bond on the edge of romance. That kind of bond might be what you're looking for, as you have the dedication to another person without worrying about sex. There's various Livejournals / forums dedicated to helping women find their soeurs, although this person will likely be on the other side of the planet. If it's something you're interested in, I suggest watching the show and then signing up for an LJ group/forum.

Also, welcome to 4-ch. Will you marry me?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-28 19:04 ID:ILlkBrW1

>>2 here. I just noticed that you were asking for advice specifically on that boy.

"Pretty Boys" are almost always a waste of time. They spend so much time making themselves look good that they simply hop from the cutest girl to the cutest girl. I'd suggest straying from such a boy.

4 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-28 19:29 ID:Q23XBwtf


haha, I'm on OKCupid. Not to say who as, but I get Quickmatch selected quite a bit and....several views per week. I mean, I don't think I'm ugly, but I know I'm "weird."

I'm so addicted to 4-ch romance board now! The culture is entirely different from *chans and I love reading about romance...I'm a hopeless romantic at heart.

Sorry, I know I rambled in that post. I guess I'm too excited to be here.

And that's what I'm afraid of, with him. I'm rarely ever attracted to men but he's my Ideal Type so much that it's terrifying. Ahh...I like him so much...


I've heard of Maria-sama! I think one of my problems is that in lesbian relationships girls always expect me to be UBERSEME, because I like to talk in a guyish way, and I enjoy it, but sometimes I want to be taken care true fantasy is to be dominated by a girl (is this too explicit for Romance board? XD) Also, I'm older.

And no one ever believes I'm the big V.

I'm a really devoted person. My last gf was really beautiful, TOTALLY out of my league (even though we never got anywhere beyond kissing). It was a long-distance relationship and there was a lot of drama involved. Since her I have tried dating but I have been unable to be attracted to anyone else...(she also dicked me around and said things like "I'm still in love with you" when she dated guys after me...)

I think I sound like a really shallow person, but it's more like I have an unrealistic ideal of, I want to find someone I'm really attracted to and devote myself to them 100%. Since I'm a virgin, it's very very important who that person is.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-28 19:36 ID:tL/q0RCU

Is he a nice guy?
How well do you know him?

6 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-28 19:56 ID:Q23XBwtf

He seems nice! I don't know, I just met him; I haven't even known him a week.

if I say where, it may give too much information away, because it was a pretty specific event.

I know we have similar interests, but I also know he's an asshole. Let's just say he's familiar with /b/...

I want to be dramatic and say I feel like it's a lightning-strike kind of infatuation. It's not that he's just attractive, it's that he's so SMART, and just listening to him speak intellectually made my heart pound.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-28 19:59 ID:Heaven

OP go kill yourself in fire

8 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-28 20:09 ID:Q23XBwtf

>>7 lol, you're so original.

If I want your opinion I'll take my dick out of your mouth.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-28 20:14 ID:tL/q0RCU

You shouldn't get too excited if you haven't known him very long.
He might be gay, y'know.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-28 20:36 ID:Heaven


it's a tarp

11 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-28 20:37 ID:Q23XBwtf



Not gay, though. First thing I checked was Facebook when we facebook friended (lulz, I know). Single, into girls.

That's why I came here, to see how straight guys might feel about this. (I feel my own friends are biased, and they do not all know my history so well...)

Updates as they happen.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-28 23:01 ID:CkNclpMz

>>1 I don't want to offend you, but when i read your story i picture one of the MALE 4-chan'ers in his underwear typing his ideal woman. Seriously, you are a girl?:-o

Whatever, just ask the damn guy out. YES, ask him out. Be open, try him who you really are, and if that doesn't work..well life sucks. Get up and try it again on the next one. Densha otoko romance is bullshit. The fucking nerd was lucky beyond god lucky, you are not(neither are the rest of humanity).

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-28 23:05 ID:ILlkBrW1

>>12 here. Disregard that, I suck cocks.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-28 23:11 ID:ILlkBrW1


I have the same problem in relationships with women. I'm big-boned and muscular, and act kind of masculine, but I'm the submissive one in my personality. The only women who become attracted to me are the shy little submissive types. ._.; It's a pretty hopeless situation. I hope you have better luck.

Also, I don't think you have an unrealistic idea of romance. It's simply that you probably won't be content in a relationship for quite a while, until you find "The One". Keep searching, though! The worst thing you can do is settle for less than your ideal.

15 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-28 23:11 ID:kAfa7MoL


-laughs- yes, I'm a girl. I know, tits or GTFO, but I can provide evidence. I guess I just don't think I'm that attractive. I'm not the stereotypical Asian girl that most *channers fantasize about, I'm sure. I don't look like Ayumi Hamasaki or a Momusu member, (or kipi if you like cosplay), I have no ass, currently thunderthighs, I'm squishy, (but I do have b00berZ).

Yes, weight is my issue, and yes, I plan to do something about it.

Anyway, solid advice! I'll update the thread if it goes anywhere.

16 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-28 23:18 ID:kAfa7MoL

>>13 fuck, now I'm confused.

Actually, here's a serious question for guys: does it turn you off when girls confess their feelings? I know I saw another thread on this, but here's my personal experience: I've only done it once, to my best friend whom I thought liked me back, and it ended in epic phail. My friend has done it THREE times (although I was sure none of the guys were into her) and failed even more epically.

The theory seems to be, if the guy is into you, then he will pursue you, as society dictates, right? Or he will go out with you if you tell him you like him, because if he's your friend he's at least attracted on some level?

tl;dr who believes in ladder theory?

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 00:07 ID:US/Xpr+7


Confessions are bad for either sex. You should try to let relationships develop naturally. There's no need to confess your feelings if you show them through your actions. If you confess, you'll look foolish at best, romantically inept at worst.

Rather than confess, I would recommend being flirtatious, keeping your attention on the person whenever possible, going out of your way to help them without being too obvious or generous, and, if you just want to go in for the kill, ask to spend some time one-on-one with them.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 00:51 ID:pNOE221s


is probably a troll, look at the codes.

As for your post, I wouldn't recommend confessing since just like you, when I tried it I got splattered all over the landscape. If anything, ask him out on a date or something like that. Personally, I would be thrilled if a nice girl asked me out. It's not likely to happen due to society's silly 'rules', but I can dream, right?

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 01:04 ID:CkNclpMz

>>13 Eeuhm that is not me:s.>>18 is right, he's a troll. Btw i never said confess..i said take ask him out, show your true self in the process,etc etc. Goodluck!

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 01:06 ID:Heaven

Don't worry OP, I wouldn't fuck you either.

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 01:33 ID:Heaven


22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 01:46 ID:ZOytjE4T

The Internet is a series of tubes and there are NO GIRLS in it. none. OP is a LIER!!!!!!1

23 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-29 01:51 ID:kAfa7MoL

>>18 >>13

I know, I was joking.


cool, so I can fuck you?


LOL yeah. like a dinosaur, man.

Thanks for all your kind-and-helpful advice, everyone! And for the not so helpful advice, I know you're all just lining up to eat my asspussy.

24 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-29 02:17 ID:kAfa7MoL


Me: "...Can I be sketchay and ask you to dinner?"
HIM: "haha, sketchay?"
Me: "Yes."
Him: "Of course! :D"
Me: (internally) SCORE
HIM: "I'm new to the area, so I'll say yes to anything!"
Me: "Oh, of course, haha!"
(internally) -shot and bleeding on the floor-

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 02:19 ID:aSIS4PHJ

Dunno about confession really, but if you're going to try it do it alone with him and don't make him uncomfortable.

I have turned down a girl (quite abruptly, I may add) who asked me out in front of some friends (and my own sister, duh); after reflexion, in another situation I might have given her a chance. Or at least I would've been more gentle.

Also, everyone, please remember this in not your fourchonz. Let's try to stay civil.

By the way, OP, care if I ask where country you're from?

26 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-29 02:22 ID:kAfa7MoL


Thanks! I can take fourchonz speak, though. (clearly, haha) But I'd hate to shit all over my own thread :[

I'm Chinese, not the much prized ~Nipponese~, but I speak fluent Cantonese. My mother is from HK and my dad is from the Mainland.

People mistake me for Korean a lot, though. And any weeaboo who doesn't know thinks I'm JPN due to clothing style.

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 02:24 ID:wPuhzZAL

Who's this guy?

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 02:25 ID:Heaven

Oh, okay. Close call then :p

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 02:32 ID:pNOE221s

Ouch ;o; Well, he did say yes at least. Hopefully the night goes well, try to see if he went just to see new places or if he's genuinely interested. Hopefully the latter!

Also to all the sagers, Chinese girls are cute, too. I've known quite a few...they all had boyfriends though, feh. The ones I knew were incredibly loyal though, that's for sure.

30 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-29 02:40 ID:kAfa7MoL


why, do you know a girl of my description? XD

....are you HIM?

Hopefully, this guy is not >>28, and does not know I am asking for advice about him on an anonymous text forum.

31 Name: 28 : 2008-04-29 11:32 ID:Heaven

Yes, and no!

Don't start being paranoid around him because of me ^^:

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 15:09 ID:cnJoAOt9

Haha. Damn, OP, you're exactly the sort of girl I wish I knew more of.

(BTW, I'm a girl with a severe lack of female friends. D:)

33 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-29 15:20 ID:c+hvf8f0

Best plot twist would be is that we're both reading this board, and he REVEALS at the end, haha.

Will update on dinner after it happens.

34 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-29 16:15 ID:c+hvf8f0

>>32 I'd love to be friends! Um. Only we cannot reveal the identity...haha. And I don't particularly want to be found out... >_<


have not gone to dinner yet (set for tomorrow night omg omg) but I essentially had to break up with my ex-gf all over again, because we've been kind of on and off these past two years, even though we only dated for two months.

I dated her six months after she broke up with my friend. I cleared this with my friend first, and she said it was okay. (Protip: never listen to a woman when she says, "everything is fine") I C H A S E her and she confesses that she likes me. We get together, my friend (her ex) gets jealous, starts to C H A S E again, eventually, the girl leaves me for her ex (my friend).

They have a horrible breakup four months later? Maybe six? Either way, my ex - I'm gonna call her Loli cause she was 16 at the time - comes crying to me. I comfort. And from there we have a tumultuous two years of confused feelings and territorialness.

She would get jealous and possessive of people I saw (even casually), even though she actually had a boyfriend since me. She would tell my friends things like, "I'm still in love with Crusher" and tell me "you're my most important person" and "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" even though she also "loved" these two other boys.

It killed me.

(The reason we never got back together is that it was a long-distance relationship and I never want to do that ever again.)

One of the reasons I'm so excited about this new boy is that I haven't been able to be this attracted to anyone since her (guys AND girls). But when she found out, it really tore her up, and my timing was shitty, she just lost a family member.

I finally broke it off with her of course, for good, but ahhh I feel like shit. OTL

It was even worse than the first breakup. It hurts...but it feels good to move on...

tl;dr lol lesbian drama

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 17:06 ID:Heaven

for some reason i find it very disturbing how this thread is always bumped to the top in romance board

also OP needs to stop whining and baawwing (especially if you are not attractive looking with thunderthighs), no wonder people are not attracted to you

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 18:55 ID:ILlkBrW1

I felt bad for OP at first, but at this point she's just bitching. This thread should be titled "The life you wish you had, as told by an overenthusiastic Asian woman".

Your life is a hundred times better than most of the people on here, OP. Stop complaining about it.

37 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-29 19:22 ID:c+hvf8f0

hmm. Perhaps you are right. I am doubting myself too much. From now on, no updating this thread unless I really don't know what to do/something truly terrible happens.

I still like this board, but I'll restrain myself to anon-posting to see if I can help out others with some advice of my own.

Thank you, Anon.

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-29 19:46 ID:DU+/HhIj

You can update if things go well too, let us at least know how the date goes!
Remember you can always sage your own post if you don't want to bump the thread to the top.

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 00:06 ID:gh7OH3kr

screw all those haters. I wanna know how the date went. grabs bag of popcorn

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 00:07 ID:gh7OH3kr

screw all those haters. I wanna know how the date went. grabs bag of popcorn

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 00:38 ID:wPuhzZAL

I just know that there's something really messed up with this world... No offense, but the last thing I would want (as a guy) is a girl who just dumped another girl...

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 01:36 ID:Heaven

Please stop making threads relating to Densha Otoko.

There it is, written at the top of the page, very official.

43 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-04-30 02:45 ID:fPoP+gug

hi...haven't posted in this section in a long time (Romance section)...

>>41, you're right. Not only is it messed up to date someone who broke up with her ex, but also break up with an ex that's a girl!! I'm ok with the bi/homosexual environments that exist in this world...but i don't want that to go around in my own life.

Anyways, you sound like a really nice woman, Crusher (can we give you a better name too?). I admire how you like to take certain things positive and at least try to make it happen. To me, you're the female Chinese version of Densha Otoko...and apparently you are giving hope to some of these people who read this thread. Unfortunately, I'm like >>39-40 here...WHAT HAPPENS WITH THE DATE?!!!

One thing is certain: you can either be a Densha and try acting "fake" for a while (Guy [amazed]: Wow! I didn't know you were this kind of woman) or just be yourself...but slowly show your true feelings. If you're aiming for the latter, just try to have one-on-one activities and share some personal stuff about yourself (NOT TOO MUCH HOWEVER). Eventually, he'll start listening to you more deeper and probably become very interested in you.

I spent too much time thinking and typing. Just do your best!! At least got friends by your side (even if you can't see us).

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 09:01 ID:Heaven

No anons around here. Only a bunch of Secret Admirers ;)

45 Name: Crusher : 2008-04-30 10:57 ID:Heaven

>>41, >>43
I can understand teh feeling...years of being only interested in girls and then a guy comes along makes all the girls angry at you, too, like you "betrayed" their community. I admit, I used to hate those girls most, too. And now I'm one of them...

No matter what, I think if you're "bi," people don't like you either way lol.

I only believe in being devoted to one person, though.

Not REALLY related? Yeah, sorry for the reference. If I ever start a thread again, I'll leave it out.

>>43 I wouldn't mind a better name! I think Secret Admirer is right, I have been too lacking in confidence when I'm already better off than many people. It's just every time I have really liked a person, it has ended in disaster. -laughs- (Two times, people: one boy and one girl. The boy rejected my confession, and the girl, more talking about her.)

I'll try and stop being so enthusiastic.

Everybody says be yourself, I agree this is most important...I guess it's just trouble when you think a person might be The One.

...trying to sage my own thread, hope it works...

/lol nub

46 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-04-30 19:44 ID:0APMfQrK

To all others beside Crusher: WE NEED TO GIVE THIS GIRL A SOMEWHAT CUTE NAME. Any ideas? I have one: Hidden Mandarin (idk...just thought "Chinese" and "Anonymous"

@Crusher (temp name): have you ever heard of the term "trial and error?" Each new date or confession is a new trial. If it doesn't work, you try looking at yourself what is the problem and improve on it. Sure, people are different, but only YOU can sustain or improve the image of yourself. Eventually, you'll find someone you'll be able to go out with, and if possible, someone you'll spend the rest of your life with.

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 21:10 ID:Heaven

No offense, but I really think "Thundertights" made lol more than one of us. What about that?

48 Name: Thunder-chan : 2008-04-30 21:20 ID:BPiJx+Jn

You guys, I was lolling and about to suggest that myself...just as a joking on myself, of course.

!! I am getting dressed for the "date." Argh. What to wear what to wear.

Question: Do nerdish guys think lolita clothes are cute, or just too frilly/only worn by bitches? ??

p.s. Am also considering "Thunderlizard"

49 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 21:25 ID:TIqV974m

ITT Complete Fabrication.

50 Name: Thunder-chan : 2008-04-30 21:27 ID:BPiJx+Jn

lol, I can post pics if you don't believe me.

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 21:32 ID:s822lpoJ

I personally think lolita outfits are hotness, but I don't know what this guy likes. Your best bet is to probably dress casual and just gauge his interest for now. Of course if you WANT to dress up lolita style, go for it! If he doesn't like it, his loss. If he likes you, I don't think it'll matter what you wear, honestly.

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 22:09 ID:aSIS4PHJ

Yeah, that's about it. Lolita = hotness, but he might be scared by high displays of sexiness so soon, I don't know.

I'd vote for casual for this one. Get to know him more.

53 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-30 23:05 ID:gh7OH3kr

1st date. Go with casual. Maybe he aint into it.

54 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-01 01:31 ID:DEfHluNd

@Thunder-chan...if you're thinking Lolita...THINK AGAIN!! Just be casual...try not to stand out and just try to dress casual. Like what >>51 said, that the best bet...but also, to make a first impression, just don't try the Lolita style. Maybe...during the date...ask him if he minds you wearing something like that...

55 Name: Thunder : 2008-05-01 02:49 ID:kAfa7MoL

Hi guys, I just got home. Hm, not too sure to say if this went well or not...I dressed casually (well, my style, but casually) as per everyone's advice. I think it was good advice, thanks guys! :D

I also took some pics while I was in my loli outfit (that I wore today) so that you'll all know that I exist and I'm not just some 4-channer's fantasy. I suppose I'll update the thread with those later. (They don't show my face, of course, haha.)

I seem to make really long posts, sorry. OTL

So...I took him to a sushi restaurant, because I love sushi - I mean, really. It's a surprise I don't have mercury poisoning. He's from down South and so he admitted to not having had much sushi, but it was right near his apartment, and he said he was really into trying new things. He let me order whatever I liked, and he said, "I'm sure I'll like it."

Oh! When we were walking to dinner, he brought up that he was once seeing a girl in the area - once implying not anymore, and facebook says he's single, but I was so jealous! You don't bring up other girls to someone you might like, do you? At this point I thought maybe I was the fun weird girl again. I made him laugh, at least he would like me as a friend...but, seeing as how horribly attracted I am to him, I feel like that would be pretty painful. (Like all you friendzoned guys out there)

We talked, a lot. Conversation was surprisingly easy, but he also is the type to talk to complete strangers (so am I). This is a bad gauge for liking people.

Also, like someone here pointed out, I'm overenthusiastic.

Him: I love spicy food.
Me: Oh my god, I love spicy food, too!!!
Him: (clearly making fun of me) we have everything in common. -smirk-
Me: ...hahaha... ._.

I also mentioned how I used to be really shy in high school, and I had no friends, and one day I just decided that I was sick of it and I made myself become outgoing.
Him: ...that's funny, me too.

(Which gives me HOPE.)

And then later, he repeated, "That's so funny, that you were like that, too..."

Um, so he's really cool. And really good-looking. And really, really smart. All of these factors combined = 2 1337 4 m3.

but...I think, with you guys' support, I'm going to try and go for it anyway. I mean, worst case scenario I get rejected, right? Like >>46 said.

Also, he really really wanted to get drunk with me, but I have school tomorrow so I turned him down. Hopefully, this means I have an excuse to see him again...

Oh! One part of conversation bothered me, though. He jokingly called someone my girlfriend:
Me: Oh! Don't worry, I don't have a girlfriend! In fact, I'm very, very single. (hint, hint. I mentioned seeing a boy before, once, so that he knows I like boys, too)
HIM: I think everyone in college is very, very single.
Me: Oh?
Him: Yeah, I don't think you can date in college...
Me: Oh...
(internally: Crusher is CRUSHED.) <---sorry, had to use that nickname one last time.

But maybe I can convince him? I really want to WIN him, you guys. I'm really infatuated with him, even though my chance is slim.

That's it for tonight.


56 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-01 03:12 ID:s822lpoJ

From his comments sounds like he's not too interested, or he hasn't realized your intentions. It sounds like he had a good time though, at least, which is good. I would avoid getting drunk, that could cause problems...a drink or two would probably be OK if you need courage, but I wouldn't get drunk so you lose control, ESPECIALLY around a guy you're interested in!
Possible suggestion - When you see him tomorrow, try bringing up that you really enjoyed his company and would love to go out on a date again sometime, maybe even suggest a time/place. If you mention the word 'date' it pretty much confesses your interest/intentions without being 'OMG I R LOVES J00!!'. If he doesn't react positively to that you can at least save face by changing it to 'go out as friends'.
The situation sounds like borderline friendzone though, so probably best to make your intentions known before it's too late. I could be wrong though, I've never had a relationship myself [lol friendzone'd MANY times] so take my advice with a grain of salt.
Good luck, and keep us updated!!

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-01 05:44 ID:gh7OH3kr

I think this guy has something for you. If he's 'shy' like you, maybe he didnt know how to show interest. Thats why he really wanted to drink with you, because alcohol makes you lose your inhibitions. Or he wanted to get u wasted and get in your drunken pants.

Either way dont give up!

58 Name: Superman : 2008-05-01 07:45 ID:yhnvqOON

OP get a trip code. Fake or not, this thread is quite good for killing time. I think we need a resident ASCII artist here.

Seems like a good date eh?

59 Name: Superman : 2008-05-01 08:03 ID:yhnvqOON

He seems like opening up to you which normally indicates that he is interested. Good job at keeping him talking and not having those weird pauses(if you didn't have em). One question: How was he responding to your questions? I mean what did he sounded like. Did he spoke softly like when he said "Yeah, i don't think you can date in college..."?(or for the other answers that he gave for that matter)

How dare you say your chances are slim! Going out with him is the first of many milestones. Don't give up! Chui koi!("chase him" in cantonese)

60 Name: Thunder : 2008-05-01 10:00 ID:kAfa7MoL

Okay, so. Here are PICS to prove I exist.

so, you see, a girl like me (who likes internet, and is into weird things) exists. And thanks to this BBS, I now know that there are many guys out there who would like a weird girl like me! I hope we've all given each other hope and, if this guy doesn't work out, maybe I'll be giving you guys a call. LOL. (´-`)

I got a tripcode. I have different ID's all over this thread because I post from school's wireless, which has different IP's all over campus.

>>56 I found wanting to get drunk encouraging, kind of. Like, do guys get drunk so that they can make a move? I know when I'm drunk, I'm super-affectionate. When I was chasing my best friend I really wanted to get drunk with him so I could be lovey and have an excuse the next day. (It worked, like, I did lovey things, but in the end, he still said, 'I'm sorry, I don't see you that way.' -_-")

>>57 I'm also kind of afraid that he just wants to use me for sex. As you can see from the pics, I'm on the chubby side but not too overweight, and the kind that a guy probably could just sexxx0r without thinking about. I'm a virgin, though, so LOL, not gonna happen.

@Superman - lol, now I'm imagining Superman going "gah yau, gah yau!" (add gas) while pumping his fist in the air for me. That is really encouraging! ( ̄ー ̄)

No weird pauses. I got nervous, though, like, trying to eat and talk at the same time. I was so nervous I wasn't even very hungry and we had a lot of sushi left over. I asked him if he wanted any more, and he said, "No, it's all yours!"
Me: Oh, hahaha...maybe I will have a little more.
Him: (fake serious look) Of course I'm judging you by how much you eat.
Me:......... -eats one more piece, puts chopsticks down-

Most of the time he said things in a very matter-of-fact tone. (Like, this is my opinion, but it might as well be fact.) Usually I can kind of tell when guys are flirting (?? maybe?) but I could not read him at all. I think I'm probably blinded by how much I like him.

Mostly I think his tone was cynical...

Oh! I don't go to school with him, but we discussed maybe doing something this weekend. I'll probably call him or text him in a day or two.

This is getting long, huh. Sorry, guys.

61 Name: Thunder : 2008-05-01 10:08 ID:kAfa7MoL

Oh, >>56, I'm too afraid that using the word "date" straightaway will scare him off (Worst case scenario: This weird girl likes me, she might be a creepy stalker! -runs away-) We don't go to school together, but it's not much hassle for me to go out to his area. In fact, we kept on saying how easy it would be for us to hang out and he emphasised that he would be in the area for summer.

ok, question time: What makes a date a date? One of my guy friends says that any time a guy goes out to spent time with a girl one-on-one, without a previously established friendship, it's a date. I always thought that if the boy paid for you, it's a date, or if he at least offered to pay.

He didn't offer. We split the bill. But I don't like guys paying for me, anyway, it makes me uncomfortable...

Also, is friendzone possible for girls? (I know I have experienced it, but) I've been reading on this board that a guy wouldn't be friends with a girl he wasn't at least somewhat attracted this true?

62 Name: Yoshiya : 2008-05-01 13:14 ID:bDFh9TAB

I would say that using the word date won't scare him off, as while it does show your intent some, there's still the fact that going on a date doesn't actually mean anything binding, really. I'd say that you're fairly safe on being not considered a creepy stalker.

That said, I personally think that the friendzone is possible, but not really all that likely, for girls. There are a few girls I know who I would never consider dating that I hang out with, but for the most part, I do tend to meet my female friends because I was attracted to them in the first place.

P.S.- You're totally awesome for what thread you were reading during those pictures :P

63 Name: Thunder!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2008-05-01 13:29 ID:kAfa7MoL

well, we are all rooting for you, Yoshiya. -smiles- just remember to come back and tell us how it went, eh?

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