Falling for a girl who's boyfriend is a close friend of mine... (16)

11 Name: >>2 : 2008-06-02 22:29 ID:56cVQhtV

2 here. Don't worry, I know the feeling. I split up with the gf I mentioned in my post nearly 3 years ago, but I've only truely gotten over her within the past 9 months. Even so, there are times when I do end up bumping into her (in town, in the pub, etc) and I end up in a panic. Hell, I still have access to her iTunes account so I could buy a bunch of crap under her name if I wanted.

But you've just got to get over her, kick her out of your life. If you've got the passwords autosaved, then delete them. If she crops up in your mind, call your friends and have an afternoon of hanging out. It'll fade away eventually.

And DO NOT make any move for your friend's gf, there will be awkwardness whenever you try it. There was awkwardness between me and my current best friend when he made a move for one of my ex's. And if you are insistant on making a move for her, you'regonna have to wait a LOT longer than a month. That's way too soon.

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