Falling for a girl who's boyfriend is a close friend of mine... (16)

13 Name: rr_14 : 2008-06-03 02:11 ID:4/Mw9/0n

Yeah I'm familiar with the feeling too. Before this ex there was another who I spent another 2 years of my life with. When we broke up, everything that reminded me of her made me fucking RAEG for the year after the breakup. It's the same thing with this ex. I know I'll get over this one like the one before but damn, this feeling is just to overwhelming.

>Even so, there are times when I do end up bumping into her (in town, in the pub, etc) and I end up in a panic

Same here :) I saw her not to long ago with the guy she's fallen for and I nearly exploded in anger. Luckily she's moving to another county during the summer so the odds of me bumping into her a small. Also about the passwords, I have them memorized unfortunately :(

Yeah I know I should be thinking about meeting someone as chill as her and not taking her away from my friend, but ATM it feels like I'm never going to find anyone :P

Only time will tell...

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