When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-10-20 01:46 ID:veh8YSFe


Shut up.

Just shut up.

You know nothing of what you are speaking about.

I am a twenty-five year old woman and I am in the first relationship of my life. My boyfriend is a forty-seven year old man who has also never been in a relationship before. And there is nothing wrong with him. Or me. We've been dating four years and I know by now that he isn't a stalker, he isn't obsessive, and he isn't "creepy." He's just a man who never met anyone special, wasn't desperate enough to settle, and didn't believe that Love was in the cards for him and had resigned to living a solitary life. Though I had been at it for a lot less time than him, I felt precisely the same way. And then, by chance, we met, became best friends, and gradually fell in Love, mutually.

I will say this: there is no such thing as being too late to dating and, more importantly, finding Love. I and my boyfriend, the man who radicalized all I had known and expected of Love for me, are living proof of that.

So shove a sock in your preaching based on one foul experience and don't poison the well for all those who still have a shot. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and don't close yourself off to anything. More importantly, don't encourage anyone else to close themselves off, either.

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