Singles Rant Thread, 3rd Edition (196)

169 Name: Nanimo : 2011-06-08 08:12 ID:wMaD58w1

Sorry for double-posting...but I really need to rant. I turned 23 today. I'm happy that I'm alive and that many people love and care for me, but I still feel lonely. Despite the fact that I have a wonderful family and great friends, I don't think that it can satisfy my longing for a serious and meaningful romantic relationship. I have had one-sided romances, but I'm tired of the heartbreak. I've also had people pursue me, but I unfortunately had no romantic feelings for any of them. (On a side note, to those have have expressed interest in me, I thank you and am humbled by your attentions.) Usually, this doesn't bother me. It's only when the rest of the world is fast asleep and I'm awake and alone staring blankly at the ceiling that I start to wonder if I'll find my someone. Even now, I find myself watching the blades of my ceiling fan turn over and over again...and with every turn it reminds me of how many moments, how many years I've spent being single. Because I am a proud young woman, I often tell myself that I am a SAP (Single and Proud) and that I should embrace my freedom and independence. Because I've never had a boyfriend, I only know the joys and privileges of being unattached. You would think that I can't miss what I never had. Even so, there's still that small feeling of loneliness that tugs at my heart. Sadly, that small feeling is enough to undo me.

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