Rant On Women (9)

4 Name: Sir_Sol : 2009-06-09 07:28 ID:OW4om6TE

>>2 I think you misunderstand something, and that is when I said, "And just for the record, this has nothing to do with romance, nor do we intend to get to any base with them."

I have no intentions of getting with anyone of them. The point of my rant was not about "relationships", it was about love. Unless you can't imagine people loving other people without being in a relationship, I don't see how you came to your conclusion. Basically, I have no attachments whatsoever, which is why I am able to generalize them.

And about your statement about, "Women don't need to be constantly told or made to feel special,"... that is exactly why we keep on doing it--because we don't HAVE to. That's where love comes in.

When all is said and done, this honestly doesn't change how I feel about them. It's not a matter of changing who I am or changing women, this is just me, venting out the downsides of being the best gentleman you could be.

Love isn't about giving and expecting something in return, it's about the pain you know you'll live with after you dedicate your life to constant giving.

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