Making a move on a shy guy (49)

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-03-08 20:29 ID:i7ypv9wa


I'm mad because you're a fucking moron spewing bullshit.

And where have either >>4 or myself said we haven't "touched a women", hmmm? Nowhere, except your head. I know I have, and the way >>4 phrased what they said they have too.

I know this is a hard concept for you, but you know that T.V. you watch, that tells you stupid things like "If a guy doesn't immediately want to fuck a girl he's gay, hurr durr durr"? That's a fantasy world. It's not real. In real life, people are a lot more complex than that. So no, guys who aren't ready to jump on a girl don't have ~problems~ and they're not ~gay~ or whatever stupid thing you think they are. And frankly, if the guy the op likes is one of those people, she can fuck her relationship with him following your stupid, childish advice.

Grow up, learn how the world works, and learn the difference between how you're music and movies and real life people.

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