Japanese Online Idioms (412)

55 名前: Anonymous 04/12/19(Sun)16:22 ID:Heaven [Del]

16 名前: Anonymous 2004-11-25 15:48 ID:/547jK7A [Del]

Let me introduce some specialized vocabulary used by 2ch'er.

逝ってよし!! (Itteyoshi!! = Go away!!)
オマエモナー!(Omaemonar = You too!!)

Only with these two words, you can enjoy the 2ch world.

But if you use these words, you will never be able to return the right side of the life...

素人にはお勧めできない (Shiroutoniha osusume dekinai = We cannot recommend it to right person.)


23 名前: Anonymous 04/12/19(Sun)14:50 ID:RTQf6wYz [Del]

>逝ってよし!! (Itteyoshi!! = Go away!!)

逝ってよし has some complex meanings ,or rather, has some hidden meanings.

If you're a japanese and hear it without seeing the chinese character used in it,
then you will think it means "you may go" ,or "go away" in a less dominant imperative.
But if you read it while seeing the chinese character,
it means "you may kill yourself" or "kill yourself".

You can use this phrase when someone posts a silly remark or
asserts something with lame evidence.

note: "行く(iku)" means "to go", "逝く(iku)" means "to die".

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