How to avoid, and stand up against the assholes? (school) (90)

17 Name: 16 : 2006-09-21 10:28 ID:yYRlWyJv

But I should add, you might want to be careful not to get a truly dangerous asshole in trouble with the police for assaulting you. Otherwise they might come after you outside of school. Or maybe not. I'm just saying don't keep yourself shot up lol

As for >>1, be careful with "verbal self-defense." If you're not good at it, an attempt to make a cool comeback can end up making you look really dorky and uncool. If you have a good sense of humor, maybe try to let it show. If those type of guys think you're funny, they'll leave you alone or may even be friendly with you. In 9th or 10th grade I had a keyboarding class and there was an asshole-type football player there who I'm pretty sure picked on me the very first day. But at some point I guess he started to think I was funny and was nice to me from there on out. I should also note, though, that I was going through the Hot Topic goth clothes phase sometime around then, and people like that usually aren't picked on (directly) from my experience.

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