How to avoid, and stand up against the assholes? (school) (90)

39 Name: Notch : 2006-10-12 15:02 ID:DXx/5iAs

I agree with the folks that are telling you to take the high road. I would however not even get into any prolonged verbal exchaanges with them. It ends up making both of the parties look the same. Loud and noisy is not cool. If it does get into a physical thing then you must surround yourself with a group of friends that are always willing to tow the line. If you and three other guys always stick up for eachother you will create a force that people will not want to mess with. Even the biggest guy knows that he has no chance against a group of four who attack at the same time. You ALWAYS need to hurt them more than they hurt you last. If you are hit while alone, you and you crew needs to find the ass and hit him hard as soon as possible. Get him outside his house or somewhere else off school grounds. Remember a close knit crew of three or four is formidable, if you can create this you will be safe. The worry of "them" doing the same thing is a waste, you will find that putting together a crew like this is difficult and involves more comraderie and loyalty than most bullies can foster. Remember, there is NO SUCH THING as dirty fighting. You ned to do what you must do to end a fight as quickly as possible. NO WEAPONS or you are just a gheto gangbanger. You and your friends should pick up the best martial art there is. Kali. It is fun and terrible. All this I say comes from experiance. Your crew is forever and your best defense. It only takes a few times before even the biggest dummy learns the lesson.

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