How to avoid, and stand up against the assholes? (school) (90)

58 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-01 04:01 ID:VHvnTKZ5

People say that i look like Drug Dealers. I usually wear camouflage pants, an earth colored T-shirt, got long hair but with a gray hat over it, a bit beard and this fucking huge gray jacked with pockets which my hands is always in them. I also have "tattoos" on my right wrist, but its fake...

I had happened to me a few times where people have asked me if I sell weed. not to mention i don't even touch cigarettes(well, did only once ... or twice). And some classmates are a bit couscous around me. i know it sounds stupid, but i think my looks got me through high school with no problem. never had some one on my case.
yea , once this guy was bothering my cousin, told him to fuck off and he pretty much did. Its great to be in "good" part of the twon , hah!

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