How to avoid, and stand up against the assholes? (school) (90)

71 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-27 08:40 ID:nw58TPYU

I'm a girl and I've experienced bullying from guys. Not because I'm part of the less popular group or whatever, but because I didn't turn out like they expected. When I first moved to the school, they were all cracking on to me, but when I wasn't responsive enough they started being snide and gossipy. Basically, they were used to bimbos and ditzes. It didn't bother me because I never try to pretend to be something that I'm not. Treat everyone equally. Stand your ground. Don't ever think that because they appear more popular, you should talk to them differently or try to assimilate. Then you're just acknowledging that they're better than you, and inviting them to segregate you. At the same time, don't be cocky either. People respect and trust me. You decide who you are, not them.

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