Everytime I go out.... (43)

38 Name: Strawberry Cake : 2006-12-11 17:08 ID:EqgRPsmi

Yeah. Totally nice social life >>35
I do go to an anime club at my school. Me and my friends started it, and it's a time that I actually do feel very comfortable and connected. ...Despite the fact that last time everyone in the club voted me to shut up. My gosh, what a diss. >_<

I kinda get what you mean. I really do think I can be a bit too concious of my existance. Sometimes I actually won't do certain simple things in public (like change my seat on a bus because someone's disturbing me) just because I think people will think it weird or rude or some stupid thing like that. XD;
I think it's odd I even bother to care about what strangers think since I'm constantly wearing rabbits (specially the ones from Pita Ten) in my hair and fake glasses..so people wind up giving me their attention anyway. I guess when you're nervous you just can't help but think of how people are percieving you, huh?

...I'm here. =D

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