Everytime I go out.... (43)

8 Name: five : 2006-11-12 22:48 ID:afLXciqO


best way to solve the problem dude is to be put in a situation where you absolutely must change; change your environment,
put yourself in situation where it demands that you need to change.

for example getting a job, and speaking to the people there; simple questions like >>7 said;
"what do you enjoy"
if they say something you dont know nothing about, for example fencing, you may probably just think "oh no i know nothing about fencing so can't continue the conversation ><"
but no, see that as a good thing that you dont know!
cus you can say "oh cool, i dont know much about fencing, whats it like?"

and most importantly: consider yourself normal, consider yourself a good social person.

the second you get into this geek frame of mind, the fact that you are this anti social geek, is the second you start to believe your own mind; and so you become who you think you are.

change your way of thinking, this in turn will help you change who you are for the better.

keep trying new ways, don't give up.
if something doesnt work, dont sulk and say oh well i think im autistic. if something doesnt work; try something else. if that doesnt work, what will you do? thats right; try something else.

einstein said the definition of insanity is expecting a different result by doing the same thing over and over.
change your pattern man.

i have belief in the human spirit, you can do it! enjoy life, have fun! go for it!

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