I like sad RL stories (15)

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-15 11:41 ID:Riy8eC8y

>>7 no, I don't have any trauma, well no specific one, like child abuse, beating or something. The thing that might appear as a trauma in me is all the sum of little things I constantly (less now, but a lot when I was a kid) think about. I've been remembering stuff since some years, and that made me think (like that I used to get suddenly angry about stuff when I was a kid, and all the teachers were reproaching this to me, I had forgotten :. ). Plus, I tented to think, and still do actually, that bad stuff happened to me just because it was me, or just when I was doing it, while not the others :p I think this is quite common with children, isn't it ?
So anyway no real concise trauma, just plenty of things I overestimate or overreact to.

>>8 thanks for the long post, it shows my thread wasn't useless. As for helping others, well I'd like to, like everyone else, but I don't really get the occasion since no friends and all. The point is, I think I generally am not affected by the same things; where the majority (not the freaks :p) will get sad for some reason, like hearthache or I don't know, I will find it not so dramatic, but then I will fear things others have no problems with (best example being being extrovert and talking with people with a "cool" attitude), or so it seems to me.

...Uhh... So about this "positivists" thing, as I said I'm not sure I could explain it very well, but that concerns people who... who are, or seem to be, or want to appear to be, happy with what they have. Like, one year I've had a trip to the US with a group of people (a large group of children, with supervisors, I don't know the term in english), and it didn't go so well because several were complaining about this and that, like not enough food, too much walking... I'm not gonna say I entirely support this, but I find it at least funny. The others were like "you don't realize your luck, to be able to make this travel..." and all, while they were whining. Well, these, the others, are what I call "positivists". I know, they're right, and they're more "productive", but... I don't know, just "but". The excuse I got (when I want to explain this, but towards me too) is that you don't change anything by being happy all the time. Not being satisfied, and aiming higher makes you get higher. I know, that's not true, but anyway.

This thread is turning to a personnal psychanalysis, oh well. Still hope some people find something in it.

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