Approaching Women (121)

1 Name: shadow!WqZjpnt2w6 : 2007-09-19 12:28 ID:qTBJXIZr

I'm in a mixed high school... and can't communicate with women...

2 years before it I was in a boys only school. I now can't talk to any girls because I can never think of anything to say. I can talk to men easily because I've been with them before my temporary transfer to the boyschool, so I knew a little about them. But I never knew anything about the girls...

I can communicate with them online because you seem obliged to reply. That and I could think of something to say without looking weird. I try to follow them around, and contribute something if I knew something about the topic, but they usually have that "who the fuck are you?" look on their faces.

I was a girl's lab partner today... and we both acted like robots because we didn't show emotion. Everybody else was enjoying their experiments while she looked like "ugh, I wish I didn't come to school today."

I appear to be normal, my hair is just a bit long. I can't really smile or give a little one because of my braces. I'm not nerdy or anything...

So 4-ch, how can I start communicate with the other gender?

101 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-01 10:58 ID:GBSnplh+


102 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-01 11:07 ID:npRYuyy6


Erm that would look really weird if somebody walked up to me but then just walked away.

103 Name: shadow!WqZjpnt2w6 : 2007-12-02 21:37 ID:jkTFpcVK


I walk up to them behind them. It's like Jaws, eating an unsuspecting person just like that.

104 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 03:00 ID:v1hbs7x2

Eating? That's for much, much later.

105 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 03:35 ID:KtN7Fz/R

1>> You're going to have to just man up and get practice in being rejected. You have to hit on women so much that being rejected doesn't bother you anymore. The mall or other teen hangout is a good place. I used to hit on cute girls in the drive-in windows at fast food restaurants. It doesn't matter how, but you have to get over your fear of rejection.

Girls smell fear.

106 Name: shadow!WqZjpnt2w6 : 2007-12-03 12:07 ID:Fcx1a1Zc



I had a great day today, I felt unusually happy. Though I didn't approach that girl, but I tried to follow her and say hello, but failed...

I must gather my courage!

107 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 17:02 ID:BEE3g8MS

stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker stalker

108 Name: shadow!WqZjpnt2w6 : 2007-12-03 22:10 ID:Fcx1a1Zc

109 Name: shadow!WqZjpnt2w6 : 2007-12-03 22:11 ID:Fcx1a1Zc

110 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-08 11:14 ID:pku9+re2

That is lame. Whilst it is important to be able to get over rejection, that is the worst possible way to go about it. Soon you'll earn the reputation of being a desperate fuck that would nail anything that walked on two legs. With that reputation, you're just setting yourself up for rejection and more failure.
OP will just have another reason for girls to not like him.

111 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-08 12:49 ID:npRYuyy6


It depends if the women know each other. If you just go round at school and hit on every girl you see then yes you will be labelled as desperate. If you are out in town then women aren't going to know each other so you can talk to as many as you want because they're always coming and going. If they see you trying to hit on a girl and then going to them then again yes they will see you as desperate. But you just have to sit and wait a few minutes for people to walk off and then try with new women.

112 Name: Dr. X : 2007-12-08 21:45 ID:Ch3A/Ai6

I bet you never had a friend as a girl
I bet you never kissed a girl
I bet you never hugged one either
But that is my assumption.

You want to get better at something, practice it! The first is always hard, but it will be the greatest experience you will ever have. The more you do it, the more confidence you have and girl loves confidence. Also, ask something about themselves likes where did you get those shoes, what do you think about class, stuff like that. Most girls always talk, so if you just talk to one, they can't help it but just to talk back.

113 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-09 13:01 ID:pku9+re2


Perhaps it could work at a club/pub scene...but I doubt OP is a person to socialise there. Even then, word spreads pretty quickly between girls/women. You shouldn't underestimate the level of their networking.

114 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-09 15:43 ID:npRYuyy6

>>111 here

I suppose it also depends on what you are actually doing with these women. If you are just presenting yourself as a sociable guy trying to make friends then it's not so desperate; you could get away with working your way round a pub because you're not picking up women you're just having a fun time.

115 Name: Kira : 2007-12-10 09:28 ID:3NUpfweN

You can find many girl... The question lies with finding a "good" girl.

116 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-10 11:57 ID:v1hbs7x2

>>115 speaks the truth, and kills criminals for JUSTICE.

117 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-10 13:56 ID:Heaven


118 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-11 13:12 ID:Heaven

When you think about it, Kira is just Batman on a larger scale.

119 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-12 14:11 ID:Heaven


120 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 12:49 ID:L10QHUOO

Girls are not human just act like you give a fuck about what their saying say "yea def" alot and smile and look them in their eye and be charming and show maners then they might give you their number and then you fuck em leave and call em again if you get horny.

121 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-19 20:36 ID:Heaven

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