Life falling apart (16)

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-24 02:03 ID:Cgv6vfmg


Yikes sounds like you're getting a lot of shit from your shrink.
Have you considered changing doctors, assuming a doctor is what you need?

I'm rather suspicious of the psychiatric establishment. I think it's more expensive than it is useful, but I guess it's different for everyone. In a better world it would be a government-provided service.

Don't worry though! You're only a junior in your first semester (I'm guessing) You'll have plenty of time to make up for lost time.
As for abusable drugs, I've never tried them so I have no experience in regards to the best way to function with/without them, or how long one can expect withrdrawal symptoms when you stop taking them. It's probably the kind of thing where you don't want to be switching them on-and-off all the time. Since they're fucking expensive, I recommend keeping them off, but that's easier said than done with the withdrawal symptoms you seem to be describing, and I guess the addiction factor.

But yeah, in conclusion, I would be suspicious of any shrink who thinks you're Schizophrenic.

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