My life as a hikikomori (86)

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-22 13:59 ID:Pr55ysfx

>>25 Do you need a push irl to achieve this? I think we're certainly pushing pretty hard here in cyber-space.

Try to remember that YOU came to US for help. You need to be serious about "fixing" yourself. It's very likely that your small town actually offers a lot more than you would expect. It would likely be best to get out of your hikikomori habit while living in your current town, and THEN move somewhere. It will be a lot easier to start over and begin forming your new identity when you're able to actually meet people. It won't do you much good to move to an entirely different place and then find yourself sitting in your window staring longingly at your neighbors all day, will it?

I also noticed that no one mentioned the standard list of websites to meet people. If you're interested, here they are. While most of these look like dating sites, most offer the option to search for "Friends Only".

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