My life as a hikikomori (86)

29 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-23 07:24 ID:t7jP3YVh

>>25 Honestly I think you're already suffering from some sort form of psychosis. I know I'm not a professional or anything, but I believe that anytime you are feeling detached from reality in some form is considered to be some form of psychosis. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I don't know your situation to a tee, I'm going off of personal experience here. I close myself off from the rest of the world because I feel detached from rest of the world. I don't think I "think" like everyone else. (If that makes any sense) In other words, I feel detached from reality. Hence the psychosis.'re obviously wanting something here...something more than we're all trying to give you. Please...go and see someone. There's hope out there. You might not even like the first couple of people that you go to. But like I've said it takes time and yes, some effort! Just don't resort to suicide...please...I know I don't know you but, its not worth it! What is killing yourself going to accomplish? Really? I know you probably don't care about your life, but trust me...there's someone out there that does! Hell I do! I really, really do! (Do you think I would be saying all of this if i didn't!?!) Please don't give up!

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