My life as a hikikomori (86)

39 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-25 14:43 ID:q5/FvE1q

>>38 60 years is too much, try 5-10 or something. If nothing has changed by then, try Asm.methods newsgroup; there are some cocktails which are kinda easy to make (order ingredients of the internet) or Nembutal if you can snatch if from mexico..that's like sip..wait...and you die peacefully.

Sorry, but suicide is indeed selfish, everything in life is selfish. You can't blame him, for taking his own life..he never asked to be born. His life, he can do whatever he wants..staying for others will ultimately do nothing. I'm taking the bus too if nothing changes in like 2 years (and i'm already searching for the ingredients), and you are wrong about dead. Not being aware of anything is TRUE everlasting peace, that's the whole point.

I'm out, peace

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