My life as a hikikomori (86)

46 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-28 01:09 ID:q5/FvE1q

>>43 I personally believe freewill to be the biggest illusion ever. Some just can't act "normal" because of how one grew up + personality disorder = fail. Throw in some chance, and would get really tired after getting rejected for the x time(not just relationship i mean generally life itself).

And your speech about getting up and fight..yes, easier said then done. The thing is , most of us have already done this. After so many disappointments one would need to be rewarded..just only once, that tiny little hope would be enough, but no. All i can say is, 1 000 000 million people worldwide decide that life is not worth sticking around for, there are so many reasons and it all depends on perspective. Others seek what they never can get , others have everything and feel dead inside, others are victims of circumstance,etc etc...

I want to see the world different, but i can't.Too much has happened. The damage is just done.


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