getting a break; kinda (28)

22 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-22 15:49 ID:LbGsNx1l


No, mate, you're just somebody with too much time to think. You've convinced yourself to believe this view of the world. When - Buddhist monks for example - enter solitude as part of their learning, they're not wallowing in self despair, picking out and analyzing everything wrong with humanity. They're doing the complete opposite; looking for everything GOOD in humans and how to achieve it.

Dostoyevsky once said something relating to this. He wrote that the more he loved humanity as a whole, the more he hated individual man. Indeed, individually we're capable of unspeakable evils. But as a collective society, we're all driven by an underlying urge to live in peace with each other, and live life the best we can. You can't pick out the worst of us and consider the remaining 6 billion people to be these shit stains you see them as.

Take a moment to analyze your own thoughts here. You hate humanity, you hate yourself, you hate everything. You've no hope for the future. Would you not be better of killing yourself? If existence is so evil, why do you continue to exist? If you were to disappear tomorrow, nobody would notice. Perhaps you lack enough evil or courage of your own to take your own life.

Okay, so physical exercise clearly isn't your thing. Why not devote some time to finding something that IS? You can't rely on medication forever. When I was diagnosed with depression and hebephrenic schizophrenia, my serotonin levels were also deemed low. I spent from age 8 to 20 on just about every medication you could think of. It wasn't until I realized that popping pills and complaining about my life on sites like this wasn't going to help. In fact, it only makes it worse. Instead, I stopped all medications, went to school and found a job.

If you're still in school and plan on going to university, good. Find a field that interests you and get that degree. My sister, whom was often raped and beaten as a child, recently graduated university with a degree in social work. Now she travels throughout Africa helping rape victims of war. Once in your shoes, she bettered herself and now devotes her time helping those who otherwise don't have a voice.

It seems to me that you're just a introvert without any life experience, even the most basic. I understand your point of view - I was in your shoes once - but, as arrogant as it sounds, it's all wrong. For every evil act that has been committed, there have been 1000 positive ones. You can't spend your life over analyzing everything wrong we've done, or you'll probably go insane. Consider everything to be a learning experience to gain from, rather than brainwash yourself like you've already started.

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