getting a break; kinda (28)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-18 09:43 ID:zkVmrBMA

OP, make sure to stay mentally active. You hopefully have internet all of the time, so study what you love. Go to libraries. Live! I feel as dead as >>2, always have, but I know that not everyone does, and that things can be better. The only elegance to life is in the striving for our goals, not the strife and inevitable collapses.

I didn't trust pills myself, but that was a family thing. Now I'm on them, and I feel... exactly the same. Results are not typical. Frak. Still, they helped for a while, and as long as you plan to work your way off of them and not end up in a shitty situation (that takes more work than luck) pills will help you rise about the ennui.

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