Getting Rid Of Annoying Guy (19)

12 Name: 6 : 2010-10-24 01:52 ID:RrysAYuI

>>9 made me laugh.

OP: I probably didn't understand the entire situation. I just thought that if you gave any guy strong enough signals, they would get the idea after the third or so missed call. Anyway, that's what lead me to believe that you had given him some positive signals (and hence it would've been "out of the blue" to bring it up if you had). But it sounds like he was just incredibly thick, or had a big ego, and read too much into your politeness. Anyway, glad to hear you got that sorted, now you can both move on with your lives.

>>10, >>11 is right. The trick is to appear not so interested in women. Don't try so hard to impress a woman, or chase after them, because we can smell it from a mile away. Desperateness lingers around you like a huge neon light sign. Relaxed body language, confident but not cocky, and appearing slightly unavailable (not looking for a romantic relationship), lures women in. Take the "if it happens, it happens" outlook.

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