8 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-06 03:25 ID:hUOaKUwK

Why shouldn't we be paying attention to foreign politics? True, I pay more attention to Asian politics than anything else other than US news, but that's because almost all the Europeans I've had the displeasure of having a conversation with turned out to be complete and utter fucking racist douchebags.

Who am I going to care about more? The countries whose people treat me with an at least decent amount of respect, or the countries whose people constantly refer to me as a "fucking American", harass me just for being American, and even kick me out of online games for something as petty as my nationality? I'll take my chances with the azns, kthxbai.

12 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-07 05:01 ID:hUOaKUwK

I never said they couldn't. I just said that from my personal experience, Europeans are the ones that seem more likely to lash out at me for being American than Asians are. Then again, I suppose I come into more contact with European foreigners than I do Asian ones, so I get a disproportionate amount of retarded Europeans to retarded Asians.

Comes with living on the East coast, maybe?

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