Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

386 Name: Anon : 2016-06-26 22:36 ID:vWSNZn5Y

>>385 My pleasure!

>>384 I think the idea is to chuck the Polybius onto the back seat and when the dog, I mean Hiddleston, clambers in to investigate, tail wagging, we slam the door and burn rubber all the way back to London. We may stop at the vet en route for a sedative. Then we liberate him back into our house and reintroduce him gradually to books and classical music. He can talk to my husband about classical things and geeky things (quoth my husband, and this is not a joke, "I just know he would have enjoyed our trip to the lighthouse today. She wouldn't, I can tell"). I can be simultaneously mothering and sexual, which they will both think is normal because, you know, classics. He will not be allowed to read the Daily Mail sidebar of shame.

I am starting to get into this idea!

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