Tom Hiddleston 10 (1000)

1 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-03 12:45 ID:Z/gAwoKf

Thread to talk about actor Tom Hiddleston.

751 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-09 18:26 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>749 Tayto may have had a ONS the evening/morning of the Met. I don't know if I believe that she'd do that. That's a pretty crazy and unscripted thing to do - for her. But he spent a good amount of May in London, not?

Maybe they met last year or at the start of this year. He seems to like to romance over the phone, so that's what he does when away and then May...the lusty month of May!

I mean, TH's relationships have always had the jankiest of timelines.

752 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-09 18:34 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>750 You pretty much have the whole gist of the TPG (tiny PhD girl) story. Those were all the details. Some anons poured in after that claiming they'd see a girl with that description around his place but as usual there's no way to tell if those anons were legit or just fans trying to give traction to TPG story to show that she's the real gf and all this Taylor stuff is to protect her (too fanfic man too fanfic)

The TPG story could be a casual hookup being blown out of proportion. I'm sure he has those in between gfs and maybe they did try dating seriously but the timing sucked so Tom hit up the second girl on his list, Taylor and it worked out. I don't think there's nearly enough time period between THEO breaking up and him working on Skull Island for him to get seriously involved with someone the way the TPG story is making it out to be. The timing of the story is very suspect for me too because stories like this ALWAYS come out when it becomes public knowledge that Tom could be seeing someone or has a gf.

If you wanna get conspiracy about theoanons and TPG story, maybe Taylor's people found the blog and saw the stories and told theoanons to get rid of it...

753 Name: Anon : 2016-07-09 18:41 ID:2DMEjBI/

>>746 Which TayTay board? Is there one here on Kareha? Or are you talking tumblr - I daren't look at the TS blogs over there as I value my safety too much.

754 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-09 18:42 ID:Heaven

>>751 too iffy and unsubstantiated for me, it's all yours, have fun!

755 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-09 18:42 ID:Heaven

>>754 the one I posted here >>714

756 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-09 18:44 ID:Heaven

>>754 no sorry, I read taytaybeard instead is board. My bad

757 Name: Anon : 2016-07-09 18:53 ID:2DMEjBI/

Re Tiny PhD: I don't know because the timing is suspect as ever. There was one post saying it was an open secret in the fandom/Hampstead - if so it was not one I saw anywhere else in the fandom. As to Hampstead, well I am a small busty brunette and people did not run up to me in the street feeling my breasts and asking if I was doing a PhD and/or doing TH.

That said, and although these blogs usually go poof in an aura of drama and intrigue, theoanons didn't strike me as the type to do that. I said before I thought she was quite like us. Down to earth and snarky - and not I suspect easily fooled by catfishers.

The only thing I can think is she sent some big receipt to theoanons like a photo of them together (with her PhD thesis in draft in a corner!! I'm kidding but you get my drift).

What I recall of the original post was that it was a waitress's overhearing an intense and handholdy convo all he lines of "your work is my hobby & vice versa" and (the kicker) "we'll work it out somehow." That was pretty much it.

As to timing - well, I guess it depends partly on when THEO called it a day (or maybe it doesn't, eh Calvin?). If they split at Christmas (remember that article in November that they split - possibly after the secret HI trip nobody knew of at that time, possibly after the visit to LA just before Christmas) then maybe he had some thing with her. Or maybe he was double dipping, or hedging his bets in May.

758 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-09 19:06 ID:Heaven

"Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston’s fairy-tale romance slash probable publicity stunt, explained"

759 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-09 19:42 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>753 >>756 Anon, Couch Potato is correct - I was referring to taytaysbeard.tumblr

760 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-09 20:07 ID:smT+8KRd

Has anyone else seen the new cover of People magazine? It's the pic of TS and TH hugging in the water, and TS's face blocks out his head completely! You can't see his face at all! Of all the pics they took! It's the Swift agenda! If only I knew what her goal is.

761 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-09 23:05 ID:7WljYwy7

This is an old interview but it reveals so much about how everything in her life is controlled and planed. she has a social media team (not one person, a team!!) and her security team monitors twitter in order to plan her every move.
Also, she can keep things secret when she wants to.

762 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-09 23:13 ID:7WljYwy7

This is an old interview but it reveals so much about how everything in her life is controlled and planed. she has a social media team (not one person, a team!!) and her security team monitors twitter in order to plan her every move.
Also, she can keep things secret when she wants to.

763 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-10 01:05 ID:7WljYwy7

Where's everyone? I've noticed you all stop posting on weekends.I'm starting to think you are all Couch Potato's aliases.

764 Name: Savvy : 2016-07-10 01:06 ID:7WljYwy7

Where's everyone? I've noticed you all stop posting on weekends.I'm starting to think you are all Couch Potato's aliases.

765 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 07:14 ID:Heaven

>>764 well,the first is called having a life that doesn't turn around Tayto, the second doesn't even deserve an answer.
Also do try not to make double posts.

766 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 07:18 ID:Heaven

Asked if he could do something so that the little girl could meet TS too, TH's answer was "I don't know what I can do (and something else I can't hear)"...Really?!

Asked "How much did she (TS) want a vacation?", TH's answer is "I can't speak for her"...Really?!

Do they only see each other for photoshoots?

767 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 07:25 ID:Heaven

Here's a good pic where you can see he went running with the bodyguard. He's under surveillance.

768 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 07:30 ID:2DMEjBI/

>>764 We posted 70 or so times yesterday (Saturday), so I'd say we were pretty active at the weekend. I haven't posted over the last 8 or 9 hours because I am on a European time zone so I've been asleep!

769 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 08:02 ID:Y7YiKvSX

>>766 I didn't watch the video yet but I think this is the same encounter as the "I'd rather talk about the work" interview.

He is making himself ridiculous. He wears that t-shirt (for a 5 minute trip to the beach for photos, which he must have known would be papped), he poses for a photo on the porch showing how loved up they are, but then he can't speak for TS?

Can he not see what an idiot he is making of himself?

770 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 08:19 ID:Y7YiKvSX

A real fart of an article from Bustle. I believed this relationship was fake....until I got a call from Taylor's publicist telling me to recant:

771 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 08:21 ID:Y7YiKvSX

And an article with no journalistic content but a hilarious title: "Tom Hiddleston goes jogging without Taylor Swift..."

772 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 08:25 ID:Heaven

>>769 He really is from any point of view.

For people who think there's some sort of relationship going on, his answers are ridiculous, almost offensive.

For people who think is a ruse for a video, his answers, while understandable, are silly and amateurish. In theory he's supposed to be selling the lie.

A bad show.

773 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 08:27 ID:Heaven

>>770 basically, or she read to many posts at CB.

>>771 hahahaha I say we do a prayer circle for Broccoli to announce the new Bond.

774 Name: N8Anon : 2016-07-10 08:49 ID:UsCSEZTO

Haven't posted as have had guests staying this weekend and entertaining them.

I can't believe he seriously thinks the "I'd rather talk about the work" bullshit stance is going to wash in light of his recent PR japery. Quite disappointed tbh.

775 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 08:52 ID:Y7YiKvSX

I just watched the video. That poor little girl. It is possible for a parent to stop that kind of obsession developing. For example by not feeding it by driving for three hours to stay in the same hotel.

776 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 08:59 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>764 I check but not as frequently and certainly not as much on weekends. Also everything is all pretty much the same with TayTo so far so not much extra to contribute that others haven't said before.

>>772 His "please my work" answers were really pathetic. Especially because you could see the clear disinterest on the reporters' faces when he was talking about Thor and the crew.

His Taylor answers are beyond pathetic. It makes him sound like him and Taylor are not close at all much less bf gf. You'd think they would've worked on some PR answers for this already.

I'm surprised we haven't had a couples pap stroll yet. I wonder if TH did this one on his own to check his own fame levels. Too bad most of the little girls were Taylor fans and the reporters only saw Tom as an extension to get to Taylor.

777 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 09:03 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>766 He's certainly making it sound like they only meet for photoshoots and then go home. So many "oh we're so in love" pics and articles only to have TH give such lame answers. I really hope the press and reporters ignore his "my work" answers and keep pressing for info on him and Taylor. You can't have it both ways pal. You invited the media and the public in now face the music.

778 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 09:06 ID:Y7YiKvSX

>>774 I watched it again and I quite want to throttle him.

How can he not see it? If the RI pics had been all we saw, I could just about forgive that comment. Ok, they chose to get the news out rather than waiting to be caught, but that is understandable and a lot of celebs do it. Even if it was 2 seconds after they "officially" started dating. But after everything else? Even assuming every single other pic was taken by lurking paparazzi (which it wasn't, see verandah rocking chair photo of lurve), they have chosen to reveal their most intimate moments to those paps (first moments with mama in the street instead of in her home, kissing in the intimate and isolated surroundings of the Colosseum in June, wearing a demonstrative t shirt while frolicking on a deserted beach).

There's living your life without giving in to pap intrusion (taking a restaurant table by the window because it's nicer than sitting at the back by the bathroom) and then there's - everything else.

779 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 09:08 ID:Y7YiKvSX

>>777 Mr Anon (a couple of weeks ago): "I hope he realises he won't be able to get the toothpaste back in the tube."

780 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 09:08 ID:QrAHUnpX

The side effects of such a public romance. Other random tabloids will start writing about you too and they will write some interesting stuff

781 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 09:15 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>779 I couldn't stop laughing when all the reporters kept asking about Taylor. He was so irrelevant lol and then him trying to talk about Thor but the reporters too busy bringing in that little girl who was obsessed with Taylor. What a joke.

782 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-10 09:22 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>763 I was out with family for dinner and a movie Saturday evening, Saavy.

>>778 You'd think TayTo had rehearsed answers to some of the more basic questions like where TS is, how does she like it. His answers make him sound like he suddenly got nervous about breaking his contract with her.

Here's an interesting article that explains more about how she is than I'd ever read - anxious, paranoid, childlike (by her own admission). It's almost 2 years old but it explains a fair amount of what we're seeing:

783 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-10 09:31 ID:BBQ22Wm0

That crying TS fan was too much, ugh, even TH was squirming.
Knowing the paps were waiting for him, the glorious photogenic beach jog was surely no accident.
Massive eyeroll at the change of tune to focus on the werk. I guess the only way he can back up that claim is to lock TS in the penthouse like Rapunzel and not let her out until its time to leave.
So much backpedaling; in the great words of Barry McKenzie "I hope your balls turn into bicycle wheels and back-peddle up your arse"
She will have to pap stroll eventually but I think she'll stroll solo (or with other cast so's) so he can kid himself that the focus is on him and his werk.
>>780 Imagine taking TH back as sloppy seconds after this charade. I'd kick him to the curb

784 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-10 09:41 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>770 just read. Lulz

785 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 09:48 ID:Heaven

>>776 2 possibilities for TS:

  • she's checking all the media response to these 3 weeks and planning the next papstroll
  • she's visioning all the video material to see if she has enough. Possibly even talking with Harris (because I like the idea of a double scam)

786 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 09:57 ID:Heaven

I want a journalist with enough gut to ask him if he kept his I♥TS tanktop and if he will sport it again. Or even talk about it.

787 Name: ?? : 2016-07-10 10:19 ID:QDqSuP7y

>>786 The imagining of that has made my day, thank you. lol

788 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 10:30 ID:Y7YiKvSX

>>786 Mine too!

789 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 10:50 ID:Y7YiKvSX

The author of this post is considered by some in the fandom to be nuts. Can't comment one way or another as I don't follow. However I did ROFL at this observation when it arrived on my dash:

790 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 10:52 ID:Y7YiKvSX

>>789 Sorry, I mean the original author may or may not be nuts. The reblogger shares the views of this board!

791 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 11:38 ID:Heaven

>>787,788 you're both very welcome

>>789 LOL and wow! The Berlin girl still posts?

No way the Swifties are going to stick around TH when this is over. No way the Swifties are of any help with the boxoffice, his films are generally R-rated, what use are preadolescents?

792 Name: anonsy : 2016-07-10 11:40 ID:Z/gAwoKf

>>791 He's trying to boost sales of The Pirate Fairy.

793 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 11:44 ID:Heaven

>>792 hahahahah Of course! Next TH's projects: The Pirate Fairy Goes To Met, The Pirate Fairy in Love, The Pirate Fairy Around the World in 3 Weeks.

794 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-10 11:56 ID:BBQ22Wm0

Oh ffs, another couple pap stroll in a crowded restaurant.
I cannae take much moar of this

795 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 12:07 ID:Heaven

>>794 He had to get an update on what she likes, in case he is asked again.

I'm seriously hoping none of the cast will partake in this madness. Especially Ruffalo. Unless he makes faces like Ryan Reynolds.

796 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-10 12:21 ID:BBQ22Wm0

Bleugh the twinning...make it stop
Is this going to be known as her blue era?

>>795 I wouldn't be surprised if other cast members join in- they've all seen their fair share of lavender marriages and thirsty behaviour and I imagine they would want to support TH as a friend.
It'll be interesting to see how the new cast members and director behave.

I'm putting money on a reenactment of SI squad goal outings curated by the queen of squad goals herself.

797 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 12:31 ID:Heaven

>>796 he needs support? isn't he suppose to be on cloud nine? ;)

I don't know about the Hemsworth's, Liam is dating Miley and....God, this is so like highschool I can't even finish the sentence.

798 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-10 12:36 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>797 I avoided all this shit in high school. Art department/ sports girl here. It's so equally fascinating and cringeworthy.

Picture caption from the Fail:
"Inseparable: The fame hungry twosome held hands as they strutted through the restaurant"

My favorite part:
"Tom proved himself to be the perfect English gentleman as he shook hands with staff at the restaurant, smiling politely as his girlfriend stuck to him like white on rice."

799 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-10 12:37 ID:BBQ22Wm0

Winner comment:

"These two have an expiration date and its soon. And I really wish people would stop saying Taylor has breast implants. They are NOT. Those are Tom's balls."

800 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 12:41 ID:Heaven

>>798 believe or not this was never an issue at my high school, I guess I was very lucky.

>>799 LOL I can't wait for MichaelK.

801 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 13:15 ID:HTAon9b3

>>798 My childhood was in the era of dial up modems. We didn't have squads. They were called "gangs of bullying bitches who weren't that much but thought they were the shit." They all still live in my home town. Some of them are grandmas now.

Random question: why does someone worth millions and millions of dollars look so bad? She looks like a frumpy 1980s soccer mom in that outfit, with the fringe. Is his how she thinks British women dress? Is this her doing her usual "dress like the upBF" schtick? If so, I wish the record to reflect that the vast majority of 26 year old British women do not dress like this. Women of TH's age don't dress like this either.

802 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 13:39 ID:Heaven

803 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-10 14:25 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>802 This second video!!

What do you do when you can't hold your sweater because you've got to keep your poorly chosen dress closed so all the paps who've called don't get a shot of your Taygina? If you're normal, you give your sweater to your bf to hold. Or he offers to hold it because he sees you struggling. OR...OR you detach your hand from said bf and hold your sweater with one hand while keeping the dress closed with the other.

What does Tay do? Gives her sweater to her bodyguard. Because heaven forbid you show your pish to the summoned paps, and heaven forbid you don't hold hands with your bf.

This relationship is odd.

804 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-10 14:30 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>764 I had a very late dinner with hubby last night. Baby or worry about baby (just general worry about me maaaaybe being a crap mother) is playing havoc with my sleeping habits. We didn't go out until 10 or so...and before that I was actually taking a four hour nap - you know, like a 90-year-old.

But I did post earlier in the day.

Don't worry about the double posts, Savvy. It happens to all of us, trouble with verification codes and the like.

805 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 14:37 ID:vJu/eQQH

>>803 If it was performance art she would have let it fly open to reveal a vajazzle spelling out I heart TWH.

>>802 I thought the Torrilla pics showed TH wearing what Hunter S Thompson described as a shit eating smile. He looks less angry and tense than embarrassed, like a man caught out on a date with his wife's sister.

806 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 14:42 ID:Heaven

>>803 people in an actual relationship do that, like when your bf/husband gives you stuff to keep in your purse so his pants don't look like he has misplaced his balls.

>>805 I like that definition!

807 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 14:45 ID:vJu/eQQH

>>806 Tom misread the memo. He gave Taylor his actual balls to put in her handbag.

808 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 14:49 ID:Heaven

>>807 LOL

Has anyone else noticed TS is the one that exiting gets "Thanks for coming Taylor". He counts for nothing. What a downfall.

809 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 15:16 ID:QrAHUnpX

I guess they finally stepped out after Tom had to be reconditioned back into holding her hand and helping her into cars after how he ran off ahead of her when they landed.
His smile is those "yeah sorry that was me" fart smiles. And her facial expressions are choreographed as usual.

Yeah, I'll very surprised if this couple continues for months. Very surprised.

810 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 15:25 ID:QrAHUnpX

That DM article about their date is filled with jabs hahah! "The (fame) hungry couple" "stuck to her boyfriend like white on rice" LOL! Even the rag mags seem done with their foolishness.

811 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 15:38 ID:hOUUKweE

Check out the second video in this CB article. I don't think we have seen this yet. Apologies if we have.

"How's Taylor enjoying the beautiful Gold Coast?" A long pause and a nervous laugh: "I, I'm not going to answer that."

812 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 15:48 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>811 That is just weird. I can get declining to answer "is she the one" because that's a ridiculous question. But something simple like is she enjoying herself...come on. Maybe it is true about her and bfs signing NDAs that say they can't talk about her in public.

813 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 15:51 ID:hOUUKweE

>>812 Some of the comments on CB are gold: "you want to talk about the work? Sorry Tom, that ship sailed and sank to the bottom of the PR sea."

814 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 16:11 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>813 CB has gone back to its usual bitchiness. They're calling Taylor rodent face and whatnot. For a while there it was all Hiddleswifties. There's one leftover KC I think who is always ready with an apologist explanation. At this point, I'm not sure who she's trying to convince more, herself or the other commenters.

815 Name: ?? : 2016-07-10 16:16 ID:QDqSuP7y

>>811 Not going to answer it, or unsure of the answer because he hasn't received his color coded schedule and pre-approved soundbite quotes yet?

816 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 16:28 ID:hOUUKweE

>>814 I liked the comment that she looks like a chipmunk because she has Tom's balls in her cheeks!

There is still a minority of irritating apologists. Veranda woman and that other woman you mentioned are insisting "they must be free to live their lives" and that being papped shows integrity because they won't be ruled by them, y'know.

That KC woman said that his refusal to discuss his relationship just proved that some things were indeed sacred like he said!!! As if the only thing needed to keep your relationship sacred from the paps was to refuse to talk about it, simultaneously with willingly living its most intimate moments in front of the world's press. What will she say when Tom and Taylor invite us into their simple, classy and intimate Hamptons wedding attended by only 500 of their closest friends and costing a chic £2.5 million?

It's like visiting a parallel universe scripted by George Orwell.

817 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 16:36 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>816 My favorite comment so far has "she doesn't have implants! Those are Tom's balls!" I don't know if that's from CB or DM or LSA or that opinion tumblr. They've all honestly blended into one at this point lol

Veranda woman can't make up her mind between "let them live their lives you're speaking common sense" and her passive aggressive comments about TayTo that show she's unraveling at the idea of Tom dating openly.

KC never believed any of the pap strolls were staged so no wonder she believes he's protecting their privacy. I enjoy watching her try to kiss up to Sixer and fit in with the veranda crowd.

818 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 16:48 ID:hOUUKweE

>>817 What a place it is. What with that, and Headmistress and the Nutbags over at tumblr, I am glad we can come on here and vent.

819 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 17:00 ID:QrAHUnpX

>>818 Lol yeah I like our safe space. I know other fans are aware of this board but I'm really surprised they don't try to bully us. Maybe it's because we're so closed off and far off to cause a blip on the fanbase radar so people leave this board alone.

820 Name: KC : 2016-07-10 17:05 ID:34K6L3Sw

Why are you guys so blind? Tom and Taylor love each other. They should not have to hide their love. They should be allowed to go out together. It's just that she's so famous and beautiful that the paps follow her everywhere and take her picture. She's too beautiful, they can't help themselves.

Let's just leave them alone - totally what they want!! - and go over to the veranda for some homemade chocolate chip cookies. I got the recipe from Taylor who got it from Tom's mom!

And Taylor didn't get implants and I can prove it. Women often go from an A cup to a C cup in the span of a month. It happened to me, my sister, my cousin and 800 other Swifties I know. So there's your proof.

821 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-10 17:06 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>820 That was me.

823 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 17:17 ID:hOUUKweE

>>819 Long may that continue.

I've said before but I think the active online TH-lovin' community is pretty small, much smaller than the newspapers would have us believe. How many active TH tumblr blogs are there that actually generate material rather than passively reposting? 100? Most of the traffic in the TH tag is from them or reblogs from them. It's noticeable that we all know who the usual suspects are. Plus maybe another 50 regular posters on CB. And what, the same on LSA (I never go there), the same on DL and us - another 15 or so.

I know he has nearly 2m Twitter followers, but that is really not big in terms of Hollywood, or Twitter. Swifty has 80m, R Downey Jr has 7.5m. Even Hemsworth, who only got an account recently and probably finds it a challenge filling the 140 characters with words that he knows, has nearly 2m as well.

824 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 17:22 ID:hOUUKweE

825 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-10 17:23 ID:Heaven

"Taylor told the staff that Italian is her favorite food and she was very excited to try the food"

Remind me, it was TS in Rome a week ago, right? The-girl-that-coudln't-let-his-hand-go wasn't a clone or impersonator, was it?

828 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-10 18:44 ID:34K6L3Sw

>>825 I think maybe 'try' the food that the restaurant specifically serves, not Italian food in general. That's not the greatest sentence construction from the 'source.'

What I don't get is the 'several hours' bit. Is that several hours of him looking at his phone, as in Italy? Is that several hours of her showing him things on her phone, as in RI? What do these two talk about for several hours?

AND, what did the three bodyguards think of the food?

829 Name: M : 2016-07-10 18:50 ID:Qxc52eGS

>>827 her source again :))

830 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 18:59 ID:Ivkw9/V3

>>827 "Swift, the source added, likes Hiddleston's "English ways."

"She has told me that she loves his accent and thinks he is so sexy," the source said. "He acts very English. He is also a big tea drinker."

Hahahhaha! What on earth?! Because that's what closes the deal when it comes to looking for a husband who'd make a good dad lol

This girl and her sources and her leaks are all geared towards the juvenile idea of what love and marriage mean.

831 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 19:36 ID:hOUUKweE

>>830 Every man I ever went out with had a sexy English accent, drank a lot of tea and acted English (Taylor, here's a clue: they act English because they are!). She should come to London - she'd find 5 million potential perfect dads.

Where do the publicists get this stuff? Do they sit down with her once a week and say "now, Taylor, have you had the "kids" conversation yet?" Or do they just have a pre-written chronology that they feed to the press - they are 4 weeks and 3.5 days in, so today we must spill some juice about how they have looked at baby photos?

832 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-10 20:03 ID:w9Q74kZP

Y'all are cracking me up. I haven't even looked at the pics/videos of today's papstroll. This is the first chance I've had to get on the computer today.

Now that the 'marry me' stalker in RI has been arrested I wonder if she feels a slight bit safer, or if she's even more afraid - hence the three bodyguards. That article I posted last night from said when she bought her NYC apartment, she bought the apartment next to it for her bodyguards. Has she ever, in her adult life, gone out by herself.

And what ever happened to TH loving strong women? Does TS qualify by being able to smirk like a mean girl behind her bodyguards whenever she sees a camera flash? Or is it simply that she keeps going despite massive criticism to match the massive adulation?

Question for the group: when do you think her contract with TH will end? After her next album comes out? After he asks her to marry him (on her birthday, of course) - or she will ask him in a display of "feminism"?

833 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-10 20:05 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>831 Anon, there's a script they're working off of as part of the contract. I'm serious. wink

834 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-10 20:14 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>822 After seeing these, I'm back to believing she did not have a boob job.

835 Name: M : 2016-07-10 20:21 ID:Qxc52eGS

836 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-10 20:44 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>827 Where's all the photos of their couple outings over the last few days- all those beach strolls?
They must've forgotten to call the paps...

A little off topic but Newman confirmed the lyrics were written by CH.
"When pressed about the meaning, Newman said: “Life’s life. People make good decisions and bad decisions, and they’ll do what they want, and sometimes it’s on camera."

837 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 20:46 ID:hOUUKweE

>>834 Whatsinaname, you're right. I don't think she had A boob job. Two, possibly? ;)

838 Name: Anonon : 2016-07-10 20:52 ID:BBQ22Wm0

>>837 Two definitely. Things have amped up recently. No bra on this earth can perk A cups so high and round while remaining invisible. She used to be flat as a post.

839 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-10 21:03 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>834 >>837 >>838 Auto-correct at play. I meant to say 'ready to believe she did have...' - after believing for a while that it was a pushup bra (Selena concert) or inserts (4th of July bikini top).

840 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 21:10 ID:hOUUKweE

>>839 Phew. I know that all views are welcomed and embraced here, but saying Taylor hasn't had a boob job is pushing at the envelope!

841 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-10 21:21 ID:34K6L3Sw

842 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 21:28 ID:Ivkw9/V3

She's definitely had two boob jobs. It's been gradual but her second one definitely pushed those puppies up and out. Tom appreciates a nice cleavage and if I'm gonna tinfoil this fiasco then factoring in how she began following him in 2014 on Twitter when she was barely following anyone, she could have had a crush on him and then her being on tumblr, you can't go on tumblr and not get smacked in the face by Hiddleston, she may have been figuring out how to land this Englishman. She got her guy except her man has literally become a laughingstock. She may feel great but let's see how great her man continues to feel with how his career and image is declining.

843 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-10 21:46 ID:Ivkw9/V3

>>841 oh the comments are GOLD! Particularly loving the ones about him donating his testicles for her boob jobs lol

844 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 21:50 ID:hOUUKweE

>>842 The first one was pre or with Calvin. Remember that pic of them when she is in a white dress and you can see the inner edge of the implants like a pair of saucers?

This one - not sure when she had it, but I have to say seeing her without a bra or supportive dress - I think she has gone too large. They aren't fully self-supporting without a bra. They are noticeably lower down her chest (for example compare where they were in her red bikini). I cannot fathom why anyone would want boobs that are big enough not to stay put.

845 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-10 22:30 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>844 Me neither. Besides the size, part of that, from what I read, has to do with getting the implants above or under the supportive pectoralis muscles. If hers are above, then her doc did a piss poor job to create the illusion of saggy tits for someone so young.

846 Name: Anon : 2016-07-10 22:49 ID:hOUUKweE

"Tom made sure there were fresh flowers". In the presidential suite of the Hotel Russie, this is presumably equivalent to "showing up at the hotel".

Also: the quality of that hand kissing pic, which I thought was a random hotel guest pic, looks strangely close in quality to the rest. Was that staged too?

847 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-10 23:26 ID:w9Q74kZP

>>842 Nope, I'm going to have to look for it unless you know where I can find it.

848 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-07-11 01:03 ID:w9Q74kZP

I love it when a good observer with PR skills comes out of the woodwork to speak up. Nothing we haven't discussed here before, though. tl;dr: the OTT PR is damage control because of the sloppy overlap in relationships, and she's ashamed that the truth makes her a hypocrite. Also, the PR in RI was all about him but it backfired.

849 Name: NewAnon : 2016-07-11 01:58 ID:Ivkw9/V3

>>848 That makes Tom like a really horrible person. He's using Taylor and is manipulating the situation. But I guess it's karma that he's the one being laughed at while everyone says Taylor is being classic Taylor.

850 Name: Sosorry : 2016-07-11 03:36 ID:P+RH8GGx

>>848 TH and TS are complicit in this situation together. However, if we are to believe that TS was seen bossing TH around in Rhode Island demanding that this all be done her way, as the source suggested, Team Swift is in control of their relationship rollout. She is worth almost $300 million, and has a PR media relations team at her beck and call. TS is too big an empire to fail. I can't see Luke outsmarting Team Swift. The Sun rollout may have been to help TH look good, however, the staged quality of the photos, their awkward body language, the perceived difference in their known public personas (cultured Oxbridge thespian v. young country/pop princess), in combination with a volte face in the way in which TH conducts his private life, makes us continue to question this couple's authenticity.

Also, TH doesn't have the necessary resources to plan or pay for a worldwide extravaganza travel fest including a private jet, her bodyguards, a personal photographer, and security measures that administer to her safety concerns, etc. She is even the one who said that she wanted to travel this summer! She is not a victim of her own travel plans! TS is a solid songwriter and a kind philanthropist, but she is also a brilliant calculating woman when it comes to giving the media her story as she wants us to hear it. The marriage and kids dialogue is part of the romantic TS brand image. Otherwise, she would just be enjoying a summer hook up (as if there is anything wrong with that as a 26 year old adult woman in 2016)!

We're seeing more of TH's narrative in the dailymail with the Thor 3 shooting article about the sets, and after his run where he tries to talk about the work, but that's it. Hard for fans to focus on his work with all of the pap walks and that tank top situation.

In the long run, which I know nothing about, I can't see TS moving to London to be with TH, or TH living in the US, waiting for TS to get home from her international and national tours. She is young woman and an artist in her prime.

Not sure if the emmy nomination/lack of nomination will affect them. Not sure whether they will both come back for Comic Con, or whether she will stay on in Australia. Any thoughts?

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