Tom Hiddleston (1000)

174 Name: Anon. : 2017-03-09 20:06 ID:UfVRVB8T

>>171 I wouldn't use EJ or DM as a personality yardstick anymore than I would TS.

>>173 Twas pretty that killed the beast...the prettiest.

>>172,156 Looks like it's shaping up to be a fun, exciting, entertaining but somewhat substance-less film: GCI monsters knocking six bells out of each other with questionable characterization and plot. There's a place for that so I don't think TH's reputation or box office pulling power will take a hit. But I do wonder if this is what he signed up for. He said he came onboard before it had a script which suggests he was lured in by words like: leading man, action hero. All good words for a man who wants to increase his star power. But with his usual absence of forethought, he neglected to realize that the leading man of a monster movie is always the monster.

(Here's hoping for a song entitled Pretty Mercenary of My Heart, or Soul Soldier or Love King on TS's next album.)

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