Tom Hiddleston (Sweet 16) (1000)

1 Name: Anon. : 2017-08-28 02:47 ID:5qdWEBEh

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

950 Name: Sosorry : 2019-03-20 20:11 ID:fq9hhVpv

Tom interviews film composer Nicholas Britell, composer of If Beale Street Could Talk and the HBO show Succession, on the Only Artists program on BBC Radio 4. Tom is in his cerebral element. And of course he mentions The Last of the Mohicans soundtrack, and he quotes his lines from Othello. Tom needs to improve his classical musical references, though. We all love Debussy Claire de Lune, but enough of that, already. It was mentioned in the teeny bopper film, Twilight.

951 Name: Heynon : 2019-03-20 23:42 ID:dA6/CvIC

>950 He was probably too busy perfecting his dance moves (in his misspent youth in the '90s) to have spent much time on the classics!

952 Name: Heynon : 2019-03-20 23:46 ID:dA6/CvIC

Clip from another BBC interview, this time with Tom and Zawe about Betrayal: https://twitterDOTcom/BBCFrontRow/status/1108431700512698369

The full program is here:

953 Name: Couch Potato : 2019-03-26 15:13 ID:KzWPkhP3

Tom Hiddleston is a racist, communist, fascist, white bastard that raped his mother and sister, mutilated and ate six baby children, and is in complete support of genocide of the entire human race.

954 Name: Sosorry : 2019-03-27 04:10 ID:zSl8T0x0

Tom’s commercial for Centrum vitamins is linked below. Um. Hmm. Ew?! I’m not a fan of this commercial. But I hope that Tom was paid well, and that the commercial is well received in China. That’s all.

955 Name: Sosorry : 2019-03-27 16:53 ID:zSl8T0x0

>>954 And the gentle teasing about Tom's Centrum Vitamin commercial commences.

"Through the transitive property of A equals Tom Hiddleston and B equals Centrum, A plus B means Centrum is now an aphrodisiac. That’s just math."

956 Name: Heynon : 2019-03-28 01:33 ID:dA6/CvIC

>>954 I can't stop snickering about this! I'm with you - it's so cheesy, and then a little creepy when the very young woman appears at the end.... But the comments I've seen from people familiar with Chinese ads say that this one is typical, and cute; plus his Mandarin pronunciation is apparently perfect.

Tom's feelings about this might have leaked out in the little skip he does just before opening the door at the end, and the "I'm done with stage door tonight, thanx bye!" wave on his way out. So let's hope he was paid very well.

957 Name: Heynon : 2019-03-28 01:40 ID:dA6/CvIC

>>955 The comments on that piece are a hoot!

More gentle coverage and comments:

958 Name: Heynon : 2019-03-28 01:47 ID:dA6/CvIC

959 Name: Heynon : 2019-03-28 04:31 ID:dA6/CvIC

I Best comment in this one: “This is the creepiest commercial I have ever seen, and I am including Matthew McConaughey’s “Driving Lincolns While Stoned” anthology.”

960 Name: Whatsinaname : 2019-04-01 20:19 ID:6LNXsSd5

>>957 the comments are golden. Illuminati lol

961 Name: Heynon : 2019-04-02 01:44 ID:dA6/CvIC

What has this world come to? A gossip columnist sticking up for Tom and The Commercial? And it's not an April Fool's joke!

962 Name: Heynon : 2019-04-02 01:51 ID:dA6/CvIC

>>960 I hadn't gotten to the comments on that piece - too funny. (And see - we're not the only ones who wear tinfoil hats when needed!)

963 Name: Heynon : 2019-04-07 20:49 ID:dA6/CvIC

963 Tom looked good at the Olivier Awards today:

Whoever styled him did a much better job than the person who claimed credit for him at Zawe Ashton's book premiere. Today, he was wearing something other than his blue peacoat, the beard is closely trimmed, and his hair looks clean!

964 Name: Heynon : 2019-04-08 23:52 ID:dA6/CvIC

No streamed or recorded Betrayal: On Twitter: /JamieLloydCo/status/1115252013464522752

965 Name: Sosorry : 2019-04-18 02:08 ID:fq9hhVpv

Tom and his Betrayal costars, out at a play together. I Wonder what play it was.

966 Name: Heynon : 2019-05-09 01:46 ID:dA6/CvIC

The only thing I've come across recently, besides stage door pictures and Loki (Endgame complaints, series speculation:

If you can't get past the paywall (try stopping the page from loading as soon as you see the article), here's the relevant bit: "Thirdly – if you decide to go to drama school, go to one that has “royal” or “academy” in its title: these are considered the best. They are supported by well-known ex-graduates, and have the nicest facilities due to posh people donating lots of money (in return for getting limited edition tickets to see Tom Hiddleston performing in absolutely anything). You will undoubtedly leave one of these schools with an agent, a lover, and the prospect of a career that pays above Equity minimum."

967 Name: Sosorry : 2019-06-20 07:29 ID:zSl8T0x0

Thor 4 with Tom, Jeff Goldblum, Cumberbatch, and Cate Blanchett directed by Taika! I'm excited and yet fearful that Tom will never escape Marvel.

968 Post deleted.

969 Name: Heynon : 2019-06-26 00:55 ID:dA6/CvIC

>>967 Apologies for the delayed reply. That's a good find, though it seems rather speculative to me. Even if it pans out (and I'm with you in having mixed feelings about that), it may not be for some time. Taika seems to have a lot lined up for the near future:

The good news is that Tom's been getting some nice coverage for the China/BAFTA trip, as I'm sure you've seen. And he trimmed the beard and hair AND wore more than one outfit! (Damn, that man was born to wear a double-breasted tux!) He looks so much more relaxed in those photos than he has at an event in a long time.

970 Name: Heynon : 2019-06-26 01:02 ID:dA6/CvIC

>>969 Also, while I don't doubt Tom's sincerity as a BAFTA ambassador, I think it's a clever move on someone's part to have him maintain a public presence in China. Their film market is only going to continue to grow, and his popularity there might help to persuade producers to hire him, even if he's not a major box office draw in the West.

971 Name: Sosorry : 2019-06-29 04:50 ID:zSl8T0x0

Tom is making his Broadway debut along with Charlie and Zawe in Betrayal! Yay! Tom’s first Tony nomination could be on the horizon! We shall see. Here we go!

972 Name: Heynon : 2019-06-30 20:54 ID:dA6/CvIC

>>971 I know - that's such great news! I hope this will include a good profile interview or two (about something in addition to Loki).

973 Name: Heynon : 2019-07-14 22:09 ID:dA6/CvIC

Lots of pictures of Tom with the Cumberbatchs at today's Wimbledon men's finals on torilla's page: (hope the link works - I have trouble with weibo links)
Hope he was comfortable in that suit for the 5-hour match!

974 Name: Whatsinaname : 2019-07-16 21:37 ID:Sv9Wx+42

Tom's in NYC for Betrayal and it posted on the Gram:

975 Name: Sosorry : 2019-07-23 04:51 ID:zSl8T0x0

This is Tom’s new Sirius radio interview about his arrival in NYC, his Pinter play Betrayal, Shakespeare, his Broadway debut, etc.

976 Name: Couch Potato : 2019-09-09 10:22 ID:W1tMbQc/

977 Name: Heynon : 2019-09-09 22:56 ID:dA6/CvIC

978 Name: Couch Potato : 2019-09-14 03:35 ID:Bwk19O3h

>>977 it'll go up to positive in just a few days watch!!

979 Post deleted.

980 Name: ? : 2019-10-17 19:49 ID:Y1OJnCby

>>979 what were you trying to do, who programmed you

981 Post deleted.

982 Name: Heynon : 2019-10-24 23:35 ID:dA6/CvIC

Anyone in the U.K. may now have access to the NT Live recording of Tom’s Coriolanus performance:

983 Name: Heynon : 2019-11-06 03:57 ID:dA6/CvIC

Betrayal is running a 2nd round of Meet-and-Greet package evenings (the first ones were this past Thurs. and Fri.):

Wonder if these were always planned or if they need to fill orchestra seats.

From one participant's post last week, there were about 9 or 10 VIPs for the session, and they only got a total of 15 minutes with the cast. Doesn't seem like enough for the price, especially if you don't get to choose your seats.

984 Name: Heynon : 2019-11-10 21:50 ID:dA6/CvIC

In addition to the live performance, the Betrayal cast's appearance on Live from Here (the former Prairie Home Companion) will be broadcast live on Nov. 16th, and the video will be available until late the next day:

"Watch Live: See the show from 5:45-8 pm ET on Saturday, November 16th, via our video livestream on YouTube. The stream will then be available to view until Sunday, November 17th, at 11 pm ET.

Listen Live: Hear the show on your local public radio station from 6-8 pm ET on Saturday, November 16th. You can also find the live audio stream on our website,"

I hope they do a skit!

985 Name: Whatsinaname : 2019-11-12 07:27 ID:6LNXsSd5

986 Name: Heynon : 2019-11-13 00:29 ID:dA6/CvIC

>>985 SO much better than shilling vitamins!

987 Name: Heynon : 2019-11-13 00:33 ID:dA6/CvIC

Crimson Peak is on a list of hottest movie sex scenes:

988 Name: Heynon : 2019-12-18 01:28 ID:dA6/CvIC

It's hard to find anything that hasn't already been posted on one of the tumblr blogs, but here's some final info about Betrayal's box office in NY:

Scroll down to the text after the week's list. The article says the show had a "modest" box office, at an average 81% of capacity. I wonder if that's because it was only six years since the last NY revival, which had greater star power with both Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz, or if there were other reasons.

I don't agree with the article's take that the production split critics down the middle. I felt like more reviews were positive than not, and the ones who didn't like the show either didn't like Pinter in general or relay didn't like the staging (but still praised the cast's performances).

I did go to see it, if anyone wants to discuss....

989 Name: Whatsinaname : 2019-12-28 04:46 ID:6LNXsSd5

>>988 Well, I would like to hear your personal review of the play.

990 Name: Heynon : 2019-12-31 22:20 ID:dA6/CvIC

>>989 I’ll try to write up my thoughts tomorrow!

991 Name: Couch Potato : 2020-01-03 19:30 ID:PHckO297

>>990 You broke your promise you motherfucker!

992 Name: Couch Potato : 2020-01-04 10:08 ID:jawCHY6f

Im gay

993 Name: Couch Potato : 2020-01-11 21:59 ID:nHlxEsBw

We know, but are you gay for Tom Hiddleston?

994 Post deleted.

995 Name: Couch Potato : 2020-01-19 16:55 ID:Heaven

hiddl hiddle

996 Name: Anon : 2020-02-11 22:58 ID:6WcxOQGS

>>995 Hey Couch. Long time no see. How’s heaven?

997 Name: Heynon : 2020-03-03 00:59 ID:dA6/CvIC

A bit of non-Loki news that I haven’t seen elsewhere. Tom will be one of the readers in a new audiobook series called “Letters of Note,” which is somewhat related to the Letters Live performance he did.

998 Name: Couch Potato : 2020-03-12 22:36 ID:Heaven

Uhh, are YOU?

999 Name: vc: showzzable : 2020-03-13 23:59 ID:Heaven

Who isn't?

1000 Name: Couch Potato : 2020-03-18 23:43 ID:nHlxEsBw

Hey guys I heard Tom had the coronavirus. So does Rita.

BTW my verification code is "cuck". Proof
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