AA Editors FAQ? (110)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/05(Wed)11:06 ID:Heaven [Del]

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@@@@ @ i GL„DMj^/@@ƒ@or more of the following editors!
@@@@@ ^ @ @ @ /@@@@ _@Something like a walkthrough...
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œAscii Art Editorœ



2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/06(Thu)15:06 ID:Heaven [Del]

Found one more:


3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/07(Fri)13:31 ID:Heaven

4 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)14:33 ID:jO0KJpCA

My technique:
1. get aaeditor
2. get picture
3. convert picture to 16m colors BMP
4. put BMP in aaeditor directory
5. do "trace.exe picture.bmp"
6. the result is in trace.txt

I take http://www.saber.dreamhost.com/fate/src/1105106419307.jpg, I BMP and trace it.

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5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/08(Sat)14:43 ID:Heaven


I guess I have to change my Windows XP's language settings for that somehow?
Or is there a switch for trace.exe?
When I try to trace your picture, I get only garbled stuff:

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6 Name: 5 05/01/08(Sat)14:45 ID:Heaven

I think my problem might also be due to my system's settings due to the very installation process itself. For instance, the first few lines of asciiset.txt look like this (I normally have no problems opening japanese txt files with editor):



7 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)21:42 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

I don't even touch aaeditor.exe. I only use trace.exe. Normally aaeditor is superior to trace.exe because it has a built-in jpeg-bmp convertor and an ASCII display, but I get only failed traces that way.
1. Not all jpeg-bmp convertors are equal. PaintShopPro5 jpeg-bmp conversions result in failed traces for me. I use ACDSee's built-in convertor - this one never failed me.
2. From trial and error, I found out that the BMP has to be 16 millions colors. Not 2 colors. Not 256 colors. 16 millions colors.
3. Ideally the BMP is in black and white, but as you can see above where I used a color jpg, color works as well.
4. For best results, the outlines should be 1-pixel wide, and the shaded areas have all the same RGB/gray shade. Example, the hair would be RGB 128-25-255 everywhere. It's not mandatory but it is something to keep in mind.
5. There are more recent trace.exe versions out there. Little bit improved on the pattern recognition.
6. font.txt is you friend. There are 15 different font.txt out there, which all give a different trace. One font.txt may give a lighter result. Another may give too much details. Names are font01.txt to font15.txt. Replace font.txt with one of these and experiment.

8 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)21:44 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

yes you need to be in Japanese mode.
My asciiset.txt looks like this when I open it in Notepad:


9 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/08(Sat)21:50 ID:Heaven


I did exactly what you said. My problems is with the weird encoding of my .txt files.

Please tell me where to get other .txt versions

Or please just upload the ones I need to http://uploda.org/

10 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)21:56 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

One more thing: when I say "trace picture.bmp", this is in a DOS box.
It's a command line.

11 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)21:59 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

12 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)22:17 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

13 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)22:17 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

14 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/08(Sat)22:29 ID:Heaven

Are there any of these AA-editors for Linux or UNIX?

15 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)22:36 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

If at some point you get desperate and want to have results, any sort of result, here is another BMP tracer that simply works:
The output is crappy, but it *works*. :)

16 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)22:40 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

Here I see an AAeditor for Mac Classic and OSX, Gikope For Mac

17 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)22:50 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

I don't know any, but maybe WINE can run trace.exe.
You only need trace.exe and font.txt

18 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)22:51 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

link to various tools and editors

19 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)23:02 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

Of interest:
here www.geocities.jp/file_file_file_aaa/st/tool.html it says that Ascii Art Editor is not a good editor, because "especially the fineness ratio is not accurate".
The author recommends "(L„t`)Edit" or "Shitarabian" instead,

20 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/08(Sat)23:55 ID:Qi1ZFXtj

One more tip:
the outline has to be pitch black (RGB 0 0 0) for the trace to detect it properly. Otherwise it becomes white.
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21 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/10(Mon)13:32 ID:Heaven

Test with Sling.bmp after having reinstalled AA Editor with Japanese windows settings and replacing the trace.exe

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22 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/10(Mon)13:37 ID:Heaven


What am I supposed to do with those?

23 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/10(Mon)13:39 ID:Heaven

Trace with the old trace.exe
Both this and >>21 done the same way as >>4 but with different results...
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24 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/10(Mon)13:47 ID:Ko/pmQkR

See >>7 #6.

25 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/10(Mon)13:51 ID:Heaven

Oh, yeah, sorry. I overlooked that one.

But this program is inconvenient: It only seems to work in Japanese mode for which I have to restart Windows each time when switching the settings. And Japanese mode is simply too bad on the eyes all the time.


26 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/10(Mon)19:59 ID:dLpnwG9j

Yeah. I can't get AAE to work properly. When I use AAE trace window, I get that output seen at >>5. A pity as AAE can read jpg directly. So I use trace.exe only.

By "bad on the eyes", I'm assuming you use the full Japanese Windows, with all menus in Japanese? My "Japanese mode" is not full Japanese. The text of my windows remains in English. Only the keyboard changes.
You did those traces using the AAE interface?
If it's true that AAE needs a full J Windows to operate, then it's even more restricted than I thought. :/

27 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/10(Mon)22:04 ID:Heaven

Has anyone tried it with AppLocale?

28 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/10(Mon)22:39 ID:Heaven

> You did those traces using the AAE interface?

No, just the trace.exe

> My "Japanese mode" is not full Japanese. The text of my windows remains in English. Only the keyboard changes.

I think we need to figure out what we both mean by "Japanese mode". Unfortunately, I am not on an English Windows, so I can't really explain what I change - maybe you could just name your own settings?

29 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/11(Tue)01:48 ID:dLpnwG9j

XP-SP1: in Control Panel, Languages, I have:
tab 1: no change.
tab 2:
- East Asian Languages [v] (checked)
- Details - Add Japanese keyboard.
Default Input Language: Japanese - MS Natural Input 2002.
I have to use this to get the Language Bar with the IME Pad, I believe.
tab 3:
non-unicode programs: Japanese. I have to do this otherwise I can't use J in a DOS box, IIRC.
Not sure this is the correct procedure, but after lots of trial and errors this seems to be working for what I need (J display and input in Windows, J input when I do alt-tilde, F5 to activate the IME pad, J display and input available in my DOS boxes.)

30 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/26(Wed)14:08 ID:Heaven

AGE for we are mentioned on this collector's site:


Incidentally, I have downloaded the small "Image to AsciiArt Converter" program that is linked from there but don't know what to do with it. Any hints for that?


31 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/27(Thu)13:30 ID:k747p141

Simply launch the exe then open a BMP. That's all.
Example output:

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32 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/27(Thu)13:42 ID:k747p141

And from the readme.txt:
"Which font to use, the font size, and how the outline extraction is done can be changed in the Setup menu."

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33 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/02/02(Wed)12:46 ID:Heaven

I see, thanks.

34 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-18 17:52 ID:k7LSR6Yo

I'm running AAEditor in AppLocale on English XP and copypasting Shift-JIS to it; however for some reason when I paste with Ctrl-V it renders strangely. The only way I can describe it is as if you took a Shift-JIS AA page and rendered it in Unicode. If I go through and right-click-paste, however, it doesn't do this. :confused:
fake edit

Also on the sidebar where you select individual characters to be used as block elements -- when I click those, the same thing happens. Trying to click the button results in this stuff

I'm guessing there's something wrong with the way the internal codepages are handled for the program

35 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-07-18 19:31 ID:wtzdftm7

Yeah. See >>19.

36 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-02 10:16 ID:Heaven

37 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-28 04:20 ID:dTxZEq9Z

‚«‚²‚€ y‚‹‚‰‚‡‚‚•z gives you a huge list of things, including Ν and τ and š and  as well as many of the symbols found below
‚Ω‚΅ y‚ˆ‚‚“‚ˆ‚‰z gives you stars š™¦–
‚Π‚΅@y‚ˆ‚‰‚“‚ˆ‚‰z gives you diamonds žŸ
‚λ‚΅‚  y‚’‚‚“‚ˆ‚‰‚z gives you Cyrillic
‚³‚ρ‚©‚­ y‚“‚‚Ž‚‹‚‚‹‚•z gives you triangles ’€£₯ζˆ
‚Δ‚ρ y‚”‚…‚Žz gives you dots and periods and stuff Ed
‚―‚’‚Ή‚ρ y‚‹‚…‚‰‚“‚…‚Žz gives you boxdrawing things „§„²„»
‚¬‚θ‚΅‚α y‚‡‚‰‚’‚‰‚“‚ˆ‚z gives you Greek Letters ƒΓƒΆƒΜ
Typing [ or (@gives you all sorts of brackets

38 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-29 15:07 ID:Heaven


crpies, I suck at life. Thank you SO MUCH >>37

So how do you get ί (can't find it in kigou and do) (L_TM)Μί―

39 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-03 01:18 ID:dTxZEq9Z

that's [maru]

40 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-03 03:52 ID:Re6mfNg/


41 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-05 15:47 ID:Heaven

Are there any more of these?

43 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-07 14:35 ID:7iELQ2IX

(ί„Dί)Very Helpful!!

44 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-17 02:07 ID:sDWYIjer

I have a question about the actual 2ch character ascii's... I realize they all have set faces and ears and the like, but how do I set up the different scenes? I've tried it in notepad, but it could never ever top the things I see here or in 2ch... Any advice Sensei?

45 Name: = B= 2006-01-17 03:11 ID:Heaven

I am using the editing pad screen of Ascii Art Editor.
It is possible to edit it on the same condition as an actual display screen.
This is very useful for disciple of 2ch type AA like me.
AAE can be obtained if it downloads from the following site.

@ƒCƒ“ƒXƒg[ƒ‰[—L‚θiwith instollerj Ver. 2.00
@utsuda200_setup.exe (1373KB)

Software is compressed with LZH.

To my regret, I'm using it on OS Win 2000(Japanese version), I have'nt
any informations on other OSs.
However, I think that I can teach you for some problems on actual AAE
usage except for auto trcer function.

46 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-17 03:32 ID:sDWYIjer

I tried using it on Win98SE (American >.>), and it would just cough up an error message at me, which I can't even read... not even translate ( 'A ' ) Sorry to be such a bother...

47 Name: = B= 2006-01-17 10:14 ID:Heaven

How is a Japanese version of Win OS installed in old PC to make special
machine only for looking and making s-JIS AA.
The keyboard for Japanese might be necessary.
I do not think that any problems occur though AAE is taken perhaps.
Compression and the decompression by LZH are the main methods in Japan.
Will there be near of you a young Japanese acquaintance by you?
If you speak circumstances, he/she will help to install Japanese OS.
It might present old and Japanese Win OS PC that he/she was using possibly.

48 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-17 15:28 ID:qqcGfhwL

Unfortunately no, maybe once I get my job I can snag one from an online shop, like ebay or amazon.co.jp if I can find one. I have a friend who has an understanding of the language too, but he's an online friend... Seems I will have some planning to do. At the moment I use Microsoft word and the "Insert Symbol" method of making my little ascii-s, making the process a bit drawn out, and time consuming. Oh well, I will perservere! Θ_Θ
(LΝM )

49 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-17 15:28 ID:qqcGfhwL

(LΝM ) *Fixfix* Sorry Monar.

50 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-17 17:13 ID:qqcGfhwL

Gikope works on my computer, thank you for the help though, Sensei.

51 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-18 03:51 ID:Heaven

I have OSX and was fooling around with Gikope, but it just seems easier to use Textedit and have the Special Characters window set to Mona's glyph catalog.

52 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-21 02:59 ID:8HQQtYFj







53 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-19 08:42 ID:O8CQjE4N


upa ‚«‚²‚€ pav¨u߁Ν߁v

54 Name: ΒŽR—l 2006-02-19 10:24 ID:JAOH8xay

It came from genuine 2ch.
Moreover, is it a counterfeit of Japan?
Is it Look East?
This is a masterpiece.
You can the head use is chicken fellows because it is foolish.

55 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-19 10:51 ID:l/PJrW4r

@@@@ @@^άR
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@ ŽO@@ƒŒΪ

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