>>71 is a filthy pus dribbling zit on the inner asscheek of humanity.
Don't listen to them, >>71.
You're a remarkable human being with great talents.
>>71 has nothing to offer to civilized society except for his swift departure.
>>71 is the alpha and the omega.
Fuck >>71. Fuck him right in his fucking ear, the stupid fucking cunt
A long time ago, >>71 was my best friend. Then >>71 went and did a terrible thing. I was at the local Secretary of state, in line to renew my license and I was waiting there for at least an hour before they called my number. As soon as they called my number >>71, who was in line after me and couldn't wait any longer to have his number called, ripped up my ticket (number 70, oh the irony), and punched me in the face so hard that he left me unconscious for about 3 hours. So yeah, >>71 is a terrible person and I hate him.
>>71 wasted his chance to make an amusing post and just posted uninteresting drivel and/or insulted himself.
Give >>71 a break guys! Even if all he does is kick people in the nads, imagine what he'd do if he was born with ARMS too.
>>71 is not real.
Oh, I wish >>71 wasn't real. Mind you, if I see him again, he's going to be the one wishing he wasn't real.
What's this faggotry?
Denied. If we deny >>71 access to this thread, he'll just shit up other threads instead.
Then >>71 would be an ugly, aggravating, and unintelligent dirtball, and a small child to boot.
>>71 is probably just a blank post or pointer to some triple-digit post
>>71 sits next to me in my calc class, MAN does he reak. Not only that but he picks his nose and wipes the snot all over his desk.
>>71 woke me up last night. I heard this terrble sound coming from under my carport, and i went down to take a look. to my horror, there was >>71, rummaging around in my garbage bin. It had been knocked down, and he was down on hands and knees, scavenging for all he was worth. By then, he'd already found the rat my cat killed, and had that in his mouth while clutching my mother's used tampons in his free hand. All I could say was "oh gods, >>71, not this again... just give it up..." but >>71 was far too engrossed in my garbage to bother making any kind of reply other than a feral grunt. I went back upstairs and tried to get back to sleep for a while, but all to no avail. After fifteen minutes, I knew i'd have to do something. So i wentdown and got the hose out. I turned it on full blast, gritted my teeth and aimed...
The instant the water hit, >>71 let out a bloodcurdling screeech that almost split my ear drums, and scampered off into the night. releived, i went back to bed, and eventualy managed to get over the horror of having sighted >>71, and fell alseep.
At around 3.am, I was awoken by the most terrible racket. It sounded like a wild pig was raping a rabid goat out there. Fearfully, i peered out of my window, and there, of course, was >>71. He'd gotten my bin out, and set everything in it on fire, and was dancing around it, making horrible sounds. I yelled for him to stop, but he only got louder. So, i opened the door, planning to make a dash for the hose again. Big mistake. the mokent i was out, >>71 dashed at lightning speed into my house, and locked me outside. There was nothing icould do. eventualy i fell alspee in my car, the doors securely locked to keep me safe from >>71. when i woke up this morning, i went inside, and thankfully >>71 was gone, along wih all my food, clothing, and many other belongings. The rest of my possessions had been strewn abou the house, and the whole place reeked of that stench that only >>71 can cause. So, all day, i've been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Fucking >>71!!! i'm going out to buy a gun. If >>71 comes back, which im sure he will, it will be the last time.
-‐‐- 、
/ ヽ
! ! 人|,.iノl_ノ) >>71 can set himself on fire, for all I care
i 乂-‐ −! i
\ヽ .ゞ - ノノ
``フ i´
/ \ノゝ
/__i |丱!|
( ゚ ヮ゚) >>71 makes me feel fluffy and warm on the inside!
( ゚ ヮ゚) In comparison, that is!
>>71 Releases the emergency mittens in non-emergency situations.
Whatever, >>1, just hear me out, okay? It's not really related to this thread, but hear me out anyways.
I went to Yoshinoya the other day. Yeah, you heard me, Yoshinoya.
Well, the place was crammed full of people and I couldn't find a seat.
So I look around and there's some stupid banner announcing "150 YEN OFF!"
What the hell are they thinking?
Don't come to Yoshinoya for the sake of 150 yen, you idiots.
One freaking fifty, for crying out loud...
There's even a whole family over there. All out for some Yoshinoya, huh? Fucking great.
"Okay, Daddy's gonna order the extra-large!" God, it's pathetic.
I'll give you 150 yen to get out of that damn seat.
Yoshinoya should be a brutal place.
The tense atmosphere, where the guy on the other side of the U-shaped table would start a fight soon as look at ya.
That stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children can bugger off home.
Anyways, I was finally about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce"
...who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I'd interrogate him for a goddamn hour if that's what it takes.
Are you sure you didn't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran like me, the latest trend is this: extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. And an egg. That's how the pros eat.
Extra green onion means you get a little less beef, and a lot more onion. It's a bit more expensive, I'll grant you.
But then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then you'll stick out, and next time the employees might recognize you and add you to their list.
The inexperienced need not apply.
Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say... is that you, >>1, should just stick with today's special.
>>71 didn't even manage to live up to the high expectations of being shitty. What a motherfucking failure.
>>71 tries to blend in, but his mediocre nature always shows through.
TAKE THIS! ∧__∧ ←>>70
∧__∧ (∀゚ ; )
⊂( ・∀・) 从// つ
( と ノ ―――― ;;:*てヽ
と_`\ ヽ (Y⌒(_)
 ̄ (_,,)
...‐''゙ . ` ´ ´、 ゝ ''‐...
..‐´ ゙ `‐..
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.................;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::´ ヽ.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.................
.......;;;;;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙ .' ヽ ゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;;;;;......
;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙ / >>25-69 ゙: ゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;
゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;;;............ ;゙ ゙; .............;;;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙
゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.......;............................. ................................;.......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙゙
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`;;i|l|li||lll|||il;i:ii,..,.i||l´i,,.;,.. .il `, ,i|;.,l;;:`ii||iil||il||il||l||i|lii゙ゝ
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/ミ,,:::'' ミ ;;;;Д´)>>4 ‐│-_ ○;;;;Д´)>>19 - ::;;;;Д´)>>17 =_ -
DIEEEE!!!!!!::/,,::: ' 'ミ .,! ."'''''!!'゙‐'′ _ __ __ ;;;;Д´)>>2-- ○ -_-__::;;;;Д´)>>7
::/ヽ(Д` )>>21 ミ ...-‐'"゛ ;;;;Д´)>>3/^''i .,,....、―――::;;;;Д´)>>16―― ;;;;Д´)>>18
∧_∧ ::| 二 .l ./ '''ッ . .i¬|. |,i"._ l ---_- -=- ;;;;Д´)>>10--__ ○
( ・∀) ::| ヽ(Д● )>>24 二ヽ,,.. , / . l |= l .l ゛ / ! .!― ;;;;Д´)>>5 = ;;;;Д´)>>6
( _ ̄つ⊃ 三 ./ ./ . l !__ .! .! l .,! .|= ○――― ;;;;Д´)>>11=--
/ />" > ::| ヽ(Д` )>>23 ≡ ./ ../ l ! l l,,,,ノ l゙ l゙__= = = ;;;;Д´)>>13
(_ノ (__) .::| ./ ./ ./ / .!、 .| / !- ::;;;;Д´)>>15 ==__ _____-○
::\ ヽ(Д` )>>22 ミ. / `'―′ ;;;;Д´)>>12`゛,./ ./___=Д´)>>8=;;;;Д´)>>20.
::\゙'、、 ミ .ヽ___ノ \ / r'" ./ ;;;;Д´)>>4 --__ __;;;;Д´)>>9
ヾ\ヾ'、、 ミ`'--ヾ \....-"--__= \....-"○ ――― ゞ ―.―――::;;;;Д´)>>14
\ |\゙'"''-;= 、、,. _ _ へ ____ _ _ ____ _ \ _ ____ _ _
(( (・∀・) )) SHIT WRONG AA
(( // 、) 、)∩))
((〜((≡γ'⌒ヽ∧∧ ))
し'`Jし'ゝつ;>>1)っ ))
≡ .∧ ,∧ ∧∧
≡( ・д・)⊃#)`Д´) ←>>78
≡/つ / ⊂/ ⊂/
You were too late, bitch.
This came out pretty well. >>71 truly did manage to be a fuckup.
>>71 was taken by the Romans as a slave from his native Greece, put in the mines and promptly renamed Uranus for his failed method of smuggling molten silver.
>>71 is clearly not into the whole "existing in potentia only" thing.
>>186 was on trial for burglary. When asked for his closing statement, he lunged across the courtroom and bit the judge's nose clean off.
It's a wonder they haven't executed the bastard.
I hope they would kill each other.
>>186's character is so low that crude oil drips from his armpits.
>>186 came back to life after a fatal accident because Death hated him and kicked him out.
>>186 won't shut up about the international reptilian israeli anti-christian freedom-hating global warming conspiracy.
>>186 pretends his shit don't stink, but it does. Oh, does it ever.
>>186 insists that his preteen anime girl art collection is not pedophile whacking material.
......that really hurt, 4ch.
>>186 nearly drowned by looking up during a rainstorm.
That's not like him. >>186 is usually very, very late, if he can even manage to pull himself away from World of Warcraft for longer than the time it takes to piss in the corner of his room.
Here we go again, another fucking >>186 trying to tell me how to live my life. This babyfur_watch asshole on here, commenting on my LJ telling me that im making a big mistake by throwing away my college education just to, quote, "Roll around in crapped diapers and meddling in cheap and petty BDSM fetishes." Who the fuck does >>186 think he is saying this shit, i swear to the fuckin heavens above if i knew where >>186 was, i would come over, break my foot off in >>186's ass and slice >>186's damn throat. I have enough crap coming from >>123 and >>71 about the way im living my life, so i dont need to hear it from some fucking scumbag like >>186. There are two things >>186 does not fuck with when it comes to me, my friends and my lifestyle. >>186 screws with either one of those things and >>186 is gonna have one pissed off fox on his ass. Just becuase im a babyfur doesnt mean that i dont have a dark side, i will go medevil on >>186 if >>186 provokes me. I'm getting fuckin sick and tired of >>186 thinking that since we're babyfurs that he can push us around and redicule us and not have us fight back. Most, if not all of us babyfurs get pissed off if >>186 decides to fuck with us. >>186 may not like the fact that we are babyfurs, but >>186 will fucking respect it, that's all we ask anyways. Everyone has their fetishes, and ours just happens to be wearing and using diapers, sucking on pacifiers and bottles, wearing baby clothes and acting like baby's. We aint hurtin no one by doing this, but there are some that are making it seem that way, which is complete and udder bullshit. As far as the BDSM stuff go, so what, i wanna be owned by someone and dommed by them, big deal. Keep your fucking comments to yourself, >>186, if all they're gonna do is gonna piss off whoever your sending it to. Use common since you stupid >>186...oh wait, you dont have any!
>>186 finds great joy in pushing little old ladies in front of concrete lorries
>>186 believes there are intelligent and deep psychological subplots in Pokémon
>>186 is an okay guy, I don't get what your problem with him his.
>>186 stole my bike, and sold it for wow monies.
what a fiend, surely >>186 must have a weakness, some method we can use to purge him from our message boards and lives.
>>186 realizes that we grow tired of insulting his ugly face, so he just takes it like a chump.
>>186's renown for being shitty has become so great that noone cares anymore.
>>186 bought me a bag of chips. But then he ate them all in front of me. What an asshole.
>>186 put his dick in a vacuum cleaner because he'd heard about it on the internet
>>186 releases emergency mittens whenever he gets a chance to.
>>186 learned German so he could read the original version of Mein Kampf.
>>186 not only releases Emergency Mittens in non-emergency situations, but also eats all our emergency lint!
>>186 euthanized his faithful companion cube more quickly than any test subject on record. FOR SHAME.
>>186 must be near. I can smell that signature leathery burnt bacon smell he exudes.
>>186 is such a lardass his butt invades my private space from all the way over there.
When >>186 sits around the house, it's because he's too fat to move.
>>186's horrific fishbreath is already curling the hairs on my arms.
>>186 makes me ashamed to be posting in the 180s.
You never will believe what >>311 just said about all you guys...
Man you guys really fucked up what could have been an amazing thread.
Man you guys really salvaged what could have been a shitty thread.
>>71,190,195 are JISAKU JIEN and probably sociopathic.
>>311 took me out to lunch at one of the nicest places in town, picked up the entire bill, and left a 25% tip. Then he gave me the keys to his car and walked home.
I'm stunned. I've never seen such an unarguably nice person.
>>213 sucks because I thought of Tripcode-related names first.
I totally had you beat years ago.
Is trapped in my air filter before he could contaminate my mass air sensor.
The fact that >>305 is even capable of making a diabolical plan makes him not unintelligent. Therefore, regardless of his personality and appearance, >>305 is not an ugly aggravating unintelligent dirtball. Since this is a thread about ugly aggravating unintelligent dirtballs, I see no point in discussing >>305. Now, if this were "ITT we attempt to thwart >>305's diabolical plan" it would be a different story altogether.
( ・-・) >>34, it's not that there's a restrictive pattern, it's just that you're by far the worst poster in existence with the worst character in existence. Stop wasting everyone else's time and get rid of your meaningless fucking life.
Y'know, when I look back at this thread, I realize that we're the reason >>71 turned into a scheming mastermind.
>>71 is spreading propaganda in other threads and has bought out some of their support using illegal counterfeit mittens.