[Meaningful] (″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾ ITT we think for a whole day before posting [Profound] (375)

122 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6302 01:58

(″・ิ_・ิ)っ- After having seen what great light lies yonder - the inevitable luminescence of lofty thought - I feel it utterly impossible to resume the tedium of what mundane deeds and duties we as a species must undertake in order to secure the subsistence of the crippled, solipsist social structure unwittingly brought upon ourselves through centuries of corrupt, capitalist, corporate corrugation. Life, as we know it, is not a thing to be envied. At best it is but a system of arbitrary, exchange-based processes multiplied endlessly with no clear goal in mind; an enormous, headless chicken if you will. Not even our so-called rulers have defined an identity with which they may confidently lead those ruled. For they would wish us their slaves - but who slaves over creatures in captivity more than the captors themselves? Vain values run like whiskey down the lips of the world, licked and lapped by they who hide their heads beneath the sand upon which it falls. Indeed, not even the pedestals of Truth, Beauty, Justice and Rationality are without disgrace, raped and ransacked as they stand bared like so many misguided messiahs. When the philosopher's pen speak his mind, how could all that is writ be used to justify the actions he would never dare condone? Is the discipline of a scientist but a tool in the making of damning weaponry?

Life, as we know it, appals me. I am ashamed of man.
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