You may have more time to think out your thought before posting, but it has to be an extension of the original.
I'll give you rim all right
by the way
Soulja boy's all the rage amiright
Chocolate Rain
Some stay dry and others feel the pain
Chocolate Rain
A baby born will die before the sin
Chocolate Rain
The school books say it can't be here again
Chocolate Rain
The prisons make you wonder where it went
Chocolate Rain
Build a tent and say the world is dry
Chocolate Rain
Zoom the camera out and see the lie
Chocolate Rain
Forecast to be falling yesterday
Chocolate Rain
Only in the past is what they say
Chocolate Rain
Raised your neighborhood insurance rates
Chocolate Rain
Makes us happy 'livin in a gate
Chocolate Rain
Made me cross the street the other day
Chocolate Rain
Made you turn your head the other way
Chocolate Rain
History quickly crashing through your veins
Chocolate Rain
Using you to fall back down again
Chocolate Rain
Seldom mentioned on the radio
Chocolate Rain
Its the fear your leaders call control
Chocolate Rain
Worse than swearing worse than calling names
Chocolate Rain
Say it publicly and you're insane
Chocolate Rain
No one wants to hear about it now
Chocolate Rain
Wish real hard it goes away somehow
Chocolate Rain
Makes the best of friends begin to fight
Chocolate Rain
But did they know each other in the light?
Chocolate Rain
Every February washed away
Chocolate Rain
Stays behind as colors celebrate
Chocolate Rain
The same crime has a higher price to pay
chocolate Rain
The judge and jury swear it's not the face
Chocolate Rain
Dirty secrets of economy
Chocolate Rain
Turns that body into GDP
Chocolate Rain
The bell curve blames the baby's DNA
Chocolate Rain
But test scores are how much the parents make
Chocolate Rain
'Flippin cars in France the other night
Chocolate Rain
Cleans the sewers out beneath Mumbai
Chocolate Rain
'Cross the world and back its all the same
Chocolate Rain
Angels cry and shake their heads in shame
Chocolate Rain
Lifts the ark of paradise in sin
Chocolate Rain
Which part do you think you're 'livin in?
Chocolate Rain
More than 'marchin more than passing law
Chocolate Rain
Remake how we got to where we are.
that soulja boy song is my fav
why do i school
why don't I school
why so serious?
why not so serious?
im not the man they think i am at home
I am doomed...I wanna kill myself. I just can't take it anymore......
whydo my nuts hurt
I have to shit, and it feels like it will be at least 3 courics.
I wanna make my parents angry XD
I should sleep.
Putain la flemme pas envie d'y aller...
This shit will never work.
I'm in the library, and I think one of the staff keeps trying to take control of my cursor and close my browser.
This is what I get for browsing DQN in the library.
Fingers stink fo some kind of cheese, father should wash his hands before using computer
The red hot chili peppers video with the guys surfing and doing their thing while the whole city is getting destroyed. I always wondered if that was a real video game. What am I doing with them? I don't like either but for some reason...
Fucking ouch my leg. When the fuck did that get there?
With my freeze ray I will STOP the world
I smell of sweat and cum, and I don't mind.
naked women
the reason i won mars bars today was because i am vip
Where'd my boner go?
Where did his boner go?
I wonder how my boner is doing.
I love putting ice in my mouth and crushing the cubes with my teeth.
I'm so tired I can't even think of what to post in time travel thread.
I wanna eat something....
I want some good porn that'll keep my attention for more than just a few seconds.
Diet Pepsi tastes MUCH better than Diet Coke.
This coffee is bitter
oh that soma cruz, always whacking those creatures of darkness
This flavor of Vitamin Water is disappointing.
where's my fucking teacher??!!
I need to pee. Like now. My sister needs to get the fuck out of the bathroom.
Why did I buy Lays Stax just because they were on sale. 50% off shit is still shit.
Who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt?
It's 9:01 am.
It's 9:01 am.
now its 9:02. shit.
I'm thinking of going to sleep.
I hate getting in arguments with idiots, now I'm so angry that I can't read anything or write the emails I have to write, or even play video games. Another wasted hour looms on the horizon.
wait, I should practice
aha wait
where did I put it
printscreen? card
That's ridiculous.
I have a killer fart brewing in my intestines, but it doesn't want to come out.
Well, there it went. I need to light a match.
I just had an explosive shit, all because of that fart that got my bowels moving.
Oh God I'm really glad I stopped browsing that website, it's just unbearably bad now that I've decided to take a peak.
Why the fuck am I still awake at 4:15 in the morning?
>>199 can't tell the difference between grammar and spelling. Wait, this isn't an insult thread....
>>199 can't tell the difference between grammar and spelling. Wait, this isn't an insult thread....
Why do my feet have so many mosquito bites on them?
ugh, I'm getting tired of cooking
If a God existed, he would be EVIL
to DENY 4 Opposite Corner Days.
NOTE: Paired Opposite Arrows on
drawing exists only as Opposites -
cancelling to nothing as One/Entity.
Composed of Opposites, Earth has
Zero Existence, as One is Nothing.
The Joke Is On You ONEists,
I have SuperNatural Wisdom.
NO God mentality can Know my 4 Day Cube.
No Bible Word equals my TimeCubed Earth.
How Stupid - Pay to worship Queer as a God.
Mom and Dad created you as a Trinity, the
Mirror of opposite brain meld into "We" Ego.
Your body is of their Creation, honor "We".
I sure do like mittens.
It comfort me to know that even if I lose mine, I could always get new ones with the Emergency Mittens button.
I can't wait to jump in bed and go to sleep.
Work sucks. Why do I even bother making the jewgolds anyway? It's not like I don't have enough money already.
This is how I roll, I'm cool.
You bitch, did you just fucking step on my USB cable?
yasra dius manaf yasra dius manaf
na au an Diasee an Diasee eterne
I took a shower 5 minutes ago, and my balls still smell very bad.
Ugh, my penis is stuck in between my legs. I need to adjust it.
I'm trying to think about what I am thinking about.
words go into text
So, when does the LHC start colliding hardons?
Oh god I want to rape Teana as well. Wait, >>223さん said Tenma.
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Now that my balls don't itch, the unscratchable part of my back does. WTF?
FFTA2 is way too easy.
The Dashboard show is this weekend and I can't even fit into my little sister's jeans any more.
They DO sell tight pants under the mens labeling too, you know.
I should call my boyfriend.
Man...I really need a girl to hug.....
i would like to put my penis inside a womens vagina.
hoping it would be consensual, but if not, that is okay too.
Oh shit I can't believe I came to post on DQN just because I saw a picture of a panda.
I should mention that, when I had Jenna, it changed my
body slightly. Birthing does that to a woman. Ever
since that day, and I have no idea why, I have been a
squirter. When I cum, I cum like a man. Not like you
might see in a second-rate porn where the lady shoots
out a few thin spurts. It’s more like a Peter North
video. It’s beautiful, really.