( ß -ß) Come on ya bloody wankers!
>>101 can't count - probably a leftover of using the imperial system
Rages at players and fans of sports that are not soccer, and holds deep rage towards other codes of football
>>106 started an annual international soggy biscuit competition but always loses to the rest of the world
>>107 knows every word to Charles Penrose's 'The Laughing Policeman'
>>113 cant believe Americans eat whatever as he shovels down Jellied Eels and washes it down with Dandelion and Burdock
>>119 is right chuffed at those filthy Polish immigrants for stealing jobs
>>120 Is the dour, nigh-incomprehensible janitor at a nondescript elementary school in a nondescript town, likely somewhere in the American midwest
>>120 chuffed means pleased, wazzock