( G߄D) My first love didn't have a middle name!
( G߄D) There's a hooooole in the ooooocean floooooor...
( G߄D) 'Cause there's a hooooole in the ozone/Hole in the bottom of the sea/There's a hole in my black Levis/There's a hole runnin' straight through you and me ...
( G߄D) There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.
( G߄D) There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.
( G߄D) There's a hole.
( G߄D) There's a hole.
( G߄D) There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.
( G߄D) He still talks about you to people.
( G߄D) Is he dumb?
( G߄D) My "ex" is still talking shit to everyone weeks after I left. I'm not sure if this is creepy or just pitiful.
( G߄D) Unmanned drones can be GPS-spoofed. They're being used on the civilian population already, even without spoofing.
( G߄D) Yakumo Yukari.
( G߄D) Being recognized on an anonymous board.
( ;E-E) Oh god my thread is HAUNTEEEEEED!
( G߄D) voices! images!
( G߄D) Knowing animals are in your house when you sleep...
( G߄D) Waking up with a moth on your arm
( G߄D) Earlier today, I found an incredibly dusty origami box in the back of my desk, which I vaguely recall making when I was younger.
( G߄D) It contained a dead butterfly. Nothing else.
( G߄D) parasitic fish that enter through your urethra
( G߄D) drowning such parasitic fish by masturbation
( G߄D) the housemate that tries their hardest to remain invisible
( G߄D) they have their own mini-fridge and a diet so bad they never use the kitchen
( G߄D) without seeing the bedroom light under the door, you'd never know they existed
( G߄D) except for the shouty late night WoW sessions and dirty bowls by the sink
( G߄D) ...
( G߄D) Ur poopin a lot butt wen u go 2 wipe its just blood.
( G߄D) Never being able to know whether there's blood in your poop cause you're colour-blind
( G߄D) Your old LCD monitor can suddenly receive touchscreen input...
( G߄D) The reanimation of a dead thread
( G߄D) Thinking ghow funny would it be if there were secret cameras in hereh and you do an insane little dance move by yourself then you hear a muffled gwhat the fuck...h from behind the wall
( G߄D) Massive tits.
( G߄D) http://batheinmymilk.com/
( G߄D) whenever you fap someone dies
( G߄D) the bot fly
( G߄D) ultrasound showing maggot infestation
( G߄D) Watch an old TV show to dispel a childhood fear, only to find that the scene never actually existed
( G߄D) Snakes in the terlet!
( G߄D) glowbots on social media are actively arguing that the aftermath of nuclear war is wildly exaggerated
( G߄D) They're trying to normalize nuclear war????
( G߄D) working on a private Google doc but you spot motion in the upper right corner
( G߄D) It wasn't a gain of function experiment. It was a loss of function experiment.
watched a soap opera, tv freezed at a frame of an old man staring straight into my soul for a really long time, the image burnt into the tv
( ;゚Д゚) minecraft alpha
( G߄D) Trump appointing a horse as consul
( G߄D) Current events reminding me that I live close enough to an important military base to probably get dusted with radioactive materials if it gets nuked, but at the same time far enough away to have no hope of being in the instant death zone.
( G߄D) LLMs are capable of the Nth country experiment