We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower [Grinding Noises][Part II] (867)

209 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7784 00:19

Despite a thorough search of the room you're in, the blockade on the stairs and the area immediately outside the building, you turn up nothing that could easily leave at least a semi-permanent mark on a surface. Lacking anything more suitable, you attempt to engrave an image into the wall using the nail file you picked up earlier. The result is a faint, scratchy, angular affair, almost entirely unrecognisable even as a human figure, let alone as an image of the girl in lilac, let alone her engaging in some sort of act of erotic cannibalism.

You cannot find any sharp rocks - the stones in the streambed of the brook are all worn perfectly smooth, and the masonry of the building, though unexceptional, is not poor enough to yield usable broken pieces. Lacking anything more suitable, you attempt to cut the tripwire using the nail file you picked up earlier. You succeed.

You begin to descend cautiously, but, focussed as you are on the beartrap, you fail to notice that one of the steps has been waxed. Overbalanced by the canned meat and other miscellanea you are carrying, you slip and hurtle forwards into the eagerly awaiting jaws of the trap. You die.

Deaths: 6

(Continuing from most recent saved game: >>209)

Having failed to acquire the beartrap, you pack up and wander off into the rainforest, walking more or less directly Westwards. The air is warm and muggy and clings to your skin in an unpleasant manner. The trunks of the trees are generally sparser than where you were earlier, but they are also taller and the canopy thicker, meaning you soon lose sight of the sun. The foliage underfoot is thick and luscious, interspersed with occasional flowers, small and large. Various exotic insects zip through the thick, warm air, some of them momentarily settling on you.

Despite the recent rain, the ground is not particularly muddy, and you fail to find any sets of tracks. After much walking, you find yourself at the top of a cliff, running North-South, around five metres in height, commanding a good view of the surrounding topography. You see smoke rising steadily from a small clearing to the West, not far from the base of the cliff. Further to the West, you see a broad river. Curiously, it seems to stop abruptly in one place, and is swallowed up by the surrounding vegetation.

On the opposite side of the river is a small white building, beside which is some sort of metal framework tower, similar to a radio tower or an electricity pylon, as well as a large radar dish. Beyond this is a fairly steep mountain ridge. Upriver you can see a large, sprawling grey concrete building, which you suspect to be the place where you began your quest. The sun is low in the sky, especially given the inconveniently placed ridge. You probably have an hour or two until nightfall.

Doing your very best to evade all personal responsibility, you verbally express your frustration with your daughter at her implicit act of patricide.

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