We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower [Grinding Noises][Part II] (867)

253 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7792 00:54

You aren't sure what a Dominatrix is or what sort of vocalisations it makes, but it sounds like a fearsome beast indeed. Employing a deep, booming voice, you make it clear to Nameless that you are not amused with his prior conduct, especially with respect to the cat. It was new to this universe and he went and scared the poor thing away into the endless jungle in the middle of the night. Who knows what has become of it now? Nameless hangs his head in shame.

You require 100 mana to use the summon cat ability. You currently have 85 mana.

You don't have a box either. But, you remind yourself, necessity is the mother of invention. You take one of the cans of meat that Nameless kindly brought with him and demand that he scratch into the side "CUTE KITTEN TRAPPED INSIDE", using that odd little metal tool he has. He complies. You set the can on the floor, just inside the doorway, leaving you room at the side from which to spring your ambush.

You are now playing as Nameless Protagonist.

You are quite nervous about the upcoming exchange of goods (Jack in exchange for your continued living). Human trafficking is a rather distasteful affair and not one you are particularly happy to be a part of, even to save your life. Your angst is partially relieved by the fact that Jack has given her informed consent to be part of this, though her relative eagerness to be given over makes you wonder if she has fully understood what is to happen. For that matter, you doubt that you have fully understood what is to happen.

To ensure that there are no problems with what you are about to hand over, you perform a general inspection. Her hair is rather messy - if only you had a comb, you could make her a little more presentable, though that would still do nothing for her hopelessly tatterdemalion clothing. She is gripping a bloodstained stone knife in one hand, which is just ever so slightly offputting, but you certainly aren't going to try to take it from her.

Last but not least, you need to check that she isn't smuggling anything under her skirt. As she is your daughter, of course, there is nothing lewd about you seeing her pubic region; you'd've seen it anyway bathing her when she was younger. You gently but firmly grab her by the waist and lift her off the ground. She screams and hacks you in the clavicle with her stone knife, but it is too late.

The lines demarcating her nubile thighs converge upon a small aperture, about the size of one's palm. You can see within a beautiful starscape, rich and intricate in ways that defy imagination or description. The view expands to fill your entire vision and your entire mind. You are awash with a sense of inner calm and tranquillity. The stars sing to you, inviting you to join them, to become one of them. You are consumed entirely by Jack's crotch, never to be seen again.

Deaths: 7

(Continuing from most recent saved game: >>253)

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