We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower [Grinding Noises][Part II] (867)

62 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7730 23:31

Fearlessly, you sweep aside your labcoat and thrust your crotch towards the unholy beast before you. "Oh no you don't," chastises Cassandra. At that moment the cat's eyes are relocated - presumably by her - to a metre or so in front of the cat monster's face, leaving its eye sockets empty. They fall to the ground with a dull thump. The cat howls in pain and rubs its paws against its face, but then, within seconds, reverts to the cautious calm of a natural predator. It can no longer see the void, and thus can no longer be hypnotised by it.

You convert 150 mana into three skillpoints, leaving you 80 mana remaining. Upon allocating the skillpoints to telekinesis and thaumaturgy, you gain access to the following skills:

  • Increased range II (passive skill): All telekinesis abilities limited to a range of twenty metres are now extended to fifty metres.
  • Summon void creature (active skill): Can summon creatures from own crotch. Summoning takes 30 seconds, during which time you must remain stationary. Cannot be halted once started. Requires 50 mana.
  • Complete shapeshifting (active skill): Can shapeshift entire body into other forms. Mass-energy, electrical charge, CPT symmetry and momentum must be conserved. Costs 75 mana.

At long, long last, you experience the liberating catharsis of exploding into a massive cloud of magically flaming vampire bats and swarming your enemies, biting the fuck out of them. The cat beast, upon being bitten, expands its neck frill in a display of anger, then drops to the floor and rolls around. Several parts of you are crushed to death beneath the monster's enormous bulk. The parts of you which attack Cassandra fare no better; she waits for you to descend upon you, then teleports away at the last moment and teleports the cat beast directly on top of you and your undead minions. You are, again, crushed to death.

Deaths: 53

(Continuing from most recent saved game: >>62)

Unfortunately, you find you cannot ritualistically kill yourself with fire due to your Fire resistance (passive skill). Instead, you use your trusted ceremonial stone knife. You succeed in dying, but cannot reanimate yourself on account of your being dead.

Deaths: 54

(Continuing from most recent saved game: >>62)

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