[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#28] (999)

172 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9061 17:08

So you have no comeback. Keep on proving me right, friendo.
Yeah, because communism has worked out so well in the past. Do you know anything about history at all?
Just because one system is flawed doesn't mean another system that has historically NEVER worked will somehow work this time. What a stupid fuck.
UBI, huh? Who is going to pay for it, genius?
Wow, it's that simple! All problems are solved. But wait, if you try to tax rich people in one country, they will flee to another country. Then you get even less taxes and jobs. No, that's not a solution. Besides, the devil is in the details. "Tax" is too vague. Actual numbers make the difference between sinking or swimming.
But do all of you really think that an entrepreneur should make just as much as someone who never did anything with their life and just works at Mcdonald's? Do you think that unemployed people should have no incentive to work?
Not everyon deserves the same amount of money.
That's an interesting take on it. I don't know of such a tree, but I like the idea behind it. You see, a lot of people these days think of wealth as a zero-sum game. As in, the only way to get more wealth for yourself is to take it from other people. But in reality, wealth can be created, not just redistributed. If two people are poor, one might propose taking more from the other person. Or if they both plant two trees, they will both be richer, not just taking something to benefit one person at the expense of another. Something for self-described "communists" or "socialists" to think about.
Wealth creation and job creation are very important. People need to stop obsessing over just plain old redistribution (a.k.a. theft).
I think cryptocurrency is all bullshit, but why are you celebrating the fact that your friend is in a bad situation? Typical spiteful leftist. If you can't be happy, you don't want anyone else to be happy or successful either. What a sad attitude to have.
Not everything is a conspiracy.

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