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411 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9064 00:44

There is nothing vulgar about the members of lesbian unko club eating each other's shit through tubes, not once during the entire video did they take the lord's name in vein or profane their ancestors. It's probably even kosher so long as neither of them ate shrimp or pork beforehand.

418 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9064 02:50

I think digestion might count as 'cooking' so you'd have to be very cautious not to violate basar bechalav. Probably safest if the ladies are vegetarian.

Also, if it's Passover, consuming bread which is then converted into farts might be equivalent to leavening it. Watch out for that chametz. Unless it's within the first 5/12s of Passover Eve and the lady whose mouth is being shat in is a gentile, in which case mechirah would apply here.

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