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555 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9066 21:22

ecofascists: we're fucking up the planet, please stop, we have too many people are at this rate we're going to do irreparable damage to earth, which will doom us all. immigration is bad. population growth is bad. let's not destroy the earth.

liberals: nah bruh let's argue about dudes putting dicks in their asses and why I am morally superior to everyone for being pro-dick-in-ass, fuck the environment, recycling is all you need to do lol. it doesn't matter if you actually help the planet or not, all that matters is public perception, even if it's not accurate. i want people to think i am a good person even if i'm not.

conservatives: hell yeah let's ignore real problems and talk about dicks in asses and why I hate them, fuck the environment. glad we can at least agree about that issue.

ecofascists: guys, listen... we're fucking shit up and we need to drastically change the way we live our lives

liberals: shut the fuck up you fucking nazis. owned.

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