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86 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9059 18:17

>>68 Somehow i knew "LOL U TRIGGERED? MUH SAFE SPACE BRO!" was going to be your response

Do you really think anyone is upset by your basic-bitch poorly articulated political opinions lifted directly from anime-right twitter and youtube videos? No one fucking cares. You are pretty much the 2018 equivalent of chanology retards going on about meme-wars and "anon is leejun!! fear us!1" The reason people find you to be a distasteful dumbass isn't because they feel threatened by your hot takes it's because you're a cringe dipshit who posts like a 17 year old american retard who watched a sargon of akkad video last week and got TOTALLY REDPILLED YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND MOM GOD YOU'RE SUCH A CUCK.

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