[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#28] (999)

867 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9076 19:58

OMG! Stop doing copy paste! Itfs so stupid! Like youfre so unfunny that you canft even come up with your own original comments? No. Youfre too stupid to even bother. Itfs just too easy too copy someone elsefs work and like they werenft even trying to be funny. They were serious and here you are, just sitting there making fun of them! Who do you think you are? Clearly someone with a low IQ. Like we should all be loving and supportive of each other, especially the women! Why tare someone down like that when they didnft even do anything to u. And I know youfre probably just going to laugh ant me and call me names too. Itfs obvious youfre just threatened by supereor intelligence and you canft handle it. Why donft you actually work on your own comedy instead of making fun of everyone else just because you canft come up with your very own original thoughts? Like do you know who I am? Ifm a super genius. I have an IQ Of 170, Ifm probably smarter than Albert Instein. By the time I was in kindgergarden I was reading at a college level. I actually have the intelligence to understand these kind of jokes but of course the uneducated masses wouldnft even be able to begen to understand the depth of this modern art. Of course I like Classical Art more it takes a special person like me to to understand it. I made teachers so angry because I would often inform them how they were wrong. Itfs not my fault Ifm smarter than them on the subject. Also Ifm an army spoce and my husband is fighting for your right to be stupid and make fun of people. Hefs a specialist and he also is very intelligent. In two years hefll probably own the the whole army. Hefs too in everything he does. And when he onws tue army Ifll make sure he snipes anyone who makes fun of me so you better not make fun of me!!!! Anyway like, really you shouldnft make fun of geniusus. Wefre way smarter than you especially since you canft even grasp the basics of scientific humor like this.

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