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869 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9076 21:06

Fun fact: IQ is not static. You can get smarter or dumber over time. Sure, there are pitfalls of the way intelligence is measured with IQ. But even so, you can go from 100 to 115 or something (an entire standard deviation) with proper education and training. It doesn't have to be those exact numbers, but that's just an example.

Some people seem to believe that you're either smart or dumb, as if it's beyond their control -- hearkening back to the old nature vs. nurture argument. Some people say there's truth in IQ being heritable, but whether or not that's true doesn't change the fact that you can get smarter if you really try.

You don't start benching a lot of weight, but you work your way up over time. You get better through exercise. Same thing with intelligence. Think of it like a mental bootstrapping process.

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