The mood of that film is irreparably destroyed when the guy dabs at 2:40
Oh my dear >>205-chan, thank you so much for posting this, I needed to see this again today. It's been so long. My spirits have really lifted, thank you.
Piranha Plant's Lullaby - Super Mario 64
What is the functionality of abruptly stopping a laugh and raising eyebrows? I understand it's meant to be funny, but how?
Are you autistic? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm genuinely asking.
Nobody else found the joke funny, so he stopped. The eyebrow raise was him remarking, in a derogatory manner, that the target of the joke doesn't have a sense of humor.
(I watched without sound)
>>238 It was more like "Oh well suit yourself then" when they didn't find it as funny
The joke of the video is that he's supposed to be shit-your-pants scared.
The sequence of expressions does not have meaning in itself, much like Jim Carrey's excessive facial motions in his 90s comedies simply exaggerate the imbalanced shape of his head and impart the feeling that his characters are annoying maniacs, which helps sell the really wacky shit they say, but aren't really a part of the script.
The line he cracked, whether taken as a joke or a compliment, is not particularly good. Extradiegetically, it's not supposed to be. Rather, diegetically, he's trying to diffuse the stress of the situation with a "pacifying behavior", in this case saying what comes to mind with nervous laughter. But he immediately gets self-conscious because this may have come off as an insult, or even simply impudent, and made the situation worse.
This sort of visible stress only means someone is nervous; it does not show why someone is nervous. For example, it is often taken to mean someone is lying, but she might actually be more worried that she can't prove what she says to be true, or that she'll mess up a detail and land in trouble for it.
Does that have any bearing here? I mean, he's not a particularly life-like actor right?
I suppose these make sense, I still can't imagine deriving that from the video though. Maybe it's cultural, different countries recognise different body language sometimes. Watch this and tell me what you think the guy is trying to communicate (I think about half way through) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlcufgqzXBo
Yes it has bearing because autistic people have a harder time recognizing social cues most other people would recognize as obvious.
What I meant was because he's not portraying social cues realistically, understanding of what he's trying to show might weigh more on e.g. familiarity with his work than real world social skill.
He's probably not so much autistic as he is a panda.
listening to old soramimi flashes
Don't think. Feel and you'll be tanashin...
This all happened earlier this month, but it seems like a lifetime ago:
Big up peckham secondary
It makes me feel that we drift further away from the good times (and things) every time I stumble upon this intro...
>>329 The video that convinced me I would never be good enough at anything considering those guys basically started there.
>>341 see http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1406028940/26 - a DJ Sharpnel remix was used on sovietrussia's /z/ board once, thank you for these happy memories
@ _ @
(@߁)c@Oppai! Oppai!
https://youtu.be/_5_uo6emlYU tsai ing-wen's sexy bodyguards
>>358 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1406028940/64 I remember where I was when I watched this. I was at home
>>362 oh fuck nice thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3AkJmt1iFg
Use this in the future: https://electronicmusic.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_samples_used_by_DJ_Sharpnel
Susumu Hirasawa - Nigredo
I think this was in Paprika. I think some people here might like his old band P-Model as well, if you haven't heard them already
>>373 I cried watching this cancer patient get pulverised by a tank
Such is bear of scarcity thought
Anyone have the video of the guy who makes his own useless self-closing box? And then proceeds to open/close it a few dozen times, with some music taken from The Matrix Reloaded as background music?
It was posted in one of these threads but I can't find it and I've just scanned through like 240 videos but I'm sleepy now.
>>397 I remember the one you mean, the one with that music, it was like these but it was a different one I think
Perfect, the 2nd edition is from the same channel
Here's the one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkaciOzu7uY
Thank you! ♡(ŐŐl)
she ate it!
enjoy a timeless Christmas classic
It's hard to believe that's the same franchise as this
>>429 That started off very nice, then got better and better!
>>432 I often listen to H in the shower, that one's brilliant!
Is it one of those procedurally generated channels designed to traumatise children whose parents leave them with tablets and youtube on autoplay just so they shut up or just some guy with a fetish for kids getting grounded?
You decide.
What really gets me is how "normal" the comments are. Normally, these procedurally generated channels have comments disabled, or full of complaints, but these look like the sort of generic shit people comment on every Youtube video. This brings up the question, how much of the repetitive meme-ladden garbage posted as comments on normal Youtube videos actually produced by bots? How much of it is produced by humans dumb enough to be bots?
dedicated to whomever was talking about watching Thomas the Tank Engine on here
re: ass implants
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWy_1JPhNMU&t=15m39s Quentin Crisp interrupted by anti-drugs appeal from a Christian
Forgot to switch my keyboard to English when typing in the YouTube search bar and came across this gem
I wonder whatever happened to the ASMR junkie who used to be around these parts.
This channel's a treasure trove of DQN-quality. Sadly no one here will be able to understand any of it. Might be better if you don't have any clue what's going on though.
She's eating gold in a palace and she washes it down with a can of Fanta?!?
I might have linked it before, but in that case you should just watch it again.
WinDEU Hates You: The Movie - Intro
WinDEU Hates You: The Movie - Stage 1
WinDEU Hates You: The Movie - Stage 2
WinDEU Hates You: The Movie - Stage 3
WinDEU Hates You: The Movie - Stage 4
WinDEU Hates You: The Movie! Stage 5 (FINAL)
WinDEU Hates You: The Movie! Stage 6 (EXTRA)
Stage 5 seems to be gone from WinDEU's channel. He forgot to record audio anyway, but it had more energy to it than this shit. Also background was Yuuka image, which he just forgot to remove in time. Bless copyright.
>>598 Oh shit the Stage 3 one with Mistabishi - Printer Jam was mental! Ahh and it gets crazier... that tune has a lot of happy memories for me
Only the thumbnail is DQN quality
This feels like a deep web torture video
>>633 what do the prompts that interrupt the game say? Something like, rate out app or something?
>>634 (summarized) life lost; pay 10 crystals to continue life? y/retry/quit
>>637 (continued)
actually, I misread (low res), the first one is a battery low message, so that prompt is "live" interrupted, and the final is "live" failure. so, see it as a paraphrastic translation, then.
>>638 Thanks dude 👍
\\\(߁)\\\\ !!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbUuB1aN2DA I honestly can't believe they did this holy shit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEe0sgTFxr0 I love rhythm games!
I am extremely worried for the next generation
That guy has the look like he would either be a twitter male feminist or a fervent anti-feminist
>>668 I'm not sure how an illiterate juggalo would feel about it, maybe the latter's more likely? He seems fervent about Insane Clown Posse at least
found on a search for " Miracleluminal"
A modern classic
A loser screaming at another minecraft loser
The most bizarre youtube recommendation I have gotten so far.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1RtymPgEG0 "When she gave me a blowjob, I thought she was 13!!"
Bullshit, you don't fry stuff in the field or chop up meat or onions, and you cut the carrot into circlels. And you probably won't have those spices with you as well. You just dunk the whole onion then toss it away after cooking. On the last 5 minutes, you empty the can of stewed beef into the brew.
She starts the video by saying that she has no clue why it's called Field Soup, and that she got the recipe from her grandmother.
Probably because it's easy to get the ingredients in the temperate zone and cook in the field. Or maybe because it has grain in it.
I also got the recipe from my grandmother.
>>103 Damn those kids are running wild!
from the maker of nightmare city, an april fools joke
comeon piss in the bottle mate, pleeease
Bitter steak
Sometimes I pull on it so hard, I rip the skin
anime, OP, music, opening credits(?)
"Wendy / Windy Breaking Bad & The Association"
prostitution, music, TV, YouTube
"Michael Jackson"
music video, negro, duration: 59:59
vc: daim
Boo/eT: >_<
With a fist moving at the speed of sound, Knuckles is gonna punch Eggman in the fuckin face
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkC5gqKYM8o Early computer graphics
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP2cIdXvEEQ maybe this could be embedded in the banner
"yes its truely brilliant. Annie was extremely beautiful! like i said some of those wigs showed how stunning she could be" --commenter
Ms. Lennox does look quite pretty, cool, and sexy in the video. Neat music too. I'd break up with Annie.
Someone make a good quality post ITT soon please
Why is every comment from a Spanish speaking gigachad avatar?
>>770 The video is blocked in my country, and it says Comments are turned off, I wonder if it just says that if the video is blocked
There are over 77k comments and 99.99% of them are gigachad avatars.
What the fuck how is this possible? Is someone fucking around with bot accounts?
"Average Fan vs. Average Enjoyer"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDJMJVEsu3k&t=45m momobako eats your ears/fellates microphone
I never realised I've been waiting for this day, it's really her!!!!
David Liebe Hart's latest smash
>>811 Jim Cornette learning more about anime dating sims https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8AQuZMqx0g
Mitsuo Matayoshi (g Y, Matayoshi Mitsuo, February 5, 1944 – July 20, 2018), also known as Jesus Matayoshi (g CGX, Matayoshi Iesu) or The Only God Matayoshi Jesus Christ (B_gYECGXELXg, Yui'itsu-shin Matayoshi Mitsuo Iesu Kirisuto)
>Like most Japanese politicians, he campaigned in a single small regulation size mini-van fitted with oversized loudspeakers. Unlike most, however, he blasted his campaign slogans in a stylised, kabuki-inspired voice.
>>820 This is like kopipe I used to read on /b/ 15 years ago
Shouting in the Datacenter
A guy demonstrating how shouting at the computers wiggles the megabytes, or something
The drive heads vibrate and because of the small scales they operate at it is not very good for their life.
(≖‿≖)-~ This shit's mental
Momobako gDon't touch loli!! Don't touch me!!h
This is such an odd depiction of satan
About as QUALITY as it gets
POV: you vs me
Psueds really love that comic
Except for the cop, CCP officials have meh taste
If a source doesn't use "CPC", it has a high chance to be inaccurate to the point of being outright Taiwanese propaganda.
Copypaste video titles and give short descriptions or fuck off, I'm not opening links blindly. Plus modern youtube is a shithole that deletes videos without any fucks given, I want to know at least the title of the video to find it again.
Ideally copypaste uploader name too.
you WILL click
Haven't clicked a single video here despite lurking for over a year. Well, maybe clicked like 3, it was probably something very boring considering I remember nothing about it.
>>867,869 What excellent posts you've made!!! Nobody cares! gOr fuck offh ahaha brilliant
>>882 she's a star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_po56g-DlDQ
Don't think, feel...
Hope I'm not breaking any rules by sharing this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnVIgAGhA08
There is danger that you'll be marked by a MODD from next time on, I can't recommend it to amateurs.
USD is de-
not youtube but whatever
crazy Russian street musicians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnKjO_4NJaI
This turned out to be surprisingly thoughtful
The opening line and soundtrack are my favorite parts
Authentic yoga is truly a serene and meditative experience, spiritual and sacred even to casual onlookers.