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192 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9122 20:55

It's been years since I read Anna Karenina, but I remember the side plot involving Levin being much more interesting than the main plot, and in general found Levin by far the most relatable character.

You should try playing Dwarf Fortress if you have the patience for it, it's pretty amazing.

194 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9122 21:58

It's a novel by Leo Tolstoy; probably his second most famous, after War and Peace. It's mainly about the titular Anna Karenina being unfaithful to her husband, and her life subsequently falling apart. Levin is a secondary character who's considered to be a semi-autobiographical version of Tolstoy himself. His side plot involves some really interesting themes about social inequality (particularly between him and his serfs) and technology (he tries to make the lives of his serfs easier by providing machines that do their job for them, and is surprised when they are uncooperative). The rest of it is mainly about dysfunctional relationships and is a little bit dry and moralistic for my tastes.

Overall, it's a pretty cool book, but War and Peace is a lot better and much more worth your time in my opinion. Or you could play Dwarf Fortress instead.

198 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9123 00:51

I also identified with Levin when I first read it, but that was mainly because I was a shy teenager who liked the idea of the "nice guy" getting to be rich and marry a hot girl.

When it comes to Russian literature I much prefer Dostoevsky. He's like the edgier version of Tolstoy. I found Crime and Punishment, The Double and The Idiot much more interesting than Anna Karenina and War and Peace.

Also, Anton Chekhov has some pretty damn good short stories.

The Plague is pretty good! My recommendation for DQN is Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer. It's like an SCP article but much more well-written. Creepy in a fascinating way. (Also, apparently a movie came out recently, but I haven't seen it yet.)

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