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38 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9119 06:50

Pronounce the words[1] as they are spelt[2][3] until the world relents.
We'll keep the silent e's for now, they're too old, I repent.

[1] Whoever decided that possessives were 's and plurals are es or s instead of that possessives are s and plurals are es or 's, I salute your drunken ass, but I sincerely believe you made the wrong call especially when they had to have seen texts that are full of -is and -ys plurals. There may have been a Francophilic political reason I guess, I don't really know who did that.

[2] In my head, to maintain correct spelling, I pretty much have that nasty mishmash of c. 1450-1750 going on, which I sincerely doubt many other people do. It may be too much to ask for people to start rhyming "die" and "melody" again, obviously, but the hugest deviation from Latinate vowels that I don't think my facetious fourteener can avoid is the long i. Of course pronunciation was never uniform, and the crazy spelling shit I've witnessed in Middle English just tells me Latin letters were probably never that good a fit.

[3] Also, I would like it if more people used 'd when the e in -ed is not pronounced. I'm not that big a fan of e, it's extra ink and pen movement for the most common vowel in multiple languages.


[5] Not really feelin it as far as seeing thorn and eth back, but they'd be nice as abbreviations tho

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